Five Years Old

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Today this here little ole blog is five years old, and what better way to celebrate a blogiversary than with the blog cliche that is the foil balloon?

Everyone loves a balloon.

I'm enjoying blogging more than ever at the moment. Which could have something to do with posting daily and investing a lot of time into it. I love writing, I enjoy putting posts together and although the subject matter of my blog has shifted over the years I think it's lovely to have something to look back on.

I have failed time and time again to write a daily diary, so this has become my way of recording what's on my mind and what goes on in my life. Although looking back at some posts makes me cringe, I wouldn't delete a single one of them.

Huge thanks for dropping by, commenting, and sharing the journey with me.

I've recently seen a lot of bloggers questioning why they blog, and even considering hitting delete and find that so sad. Blogging takes time and effort, why waste it?

I saw a tweet that said they didn't feel their blog was 'niche enough', who the hell cares? It's your blog, enjoy it, it doesn't have to conform to anyone's idea of what a blog should be.

YOU decide.

If you're bored, take a break, if you want to take it in a different direction, do so.

There are only three rules I think need to apply to blogging and they are - be honest, be kind, and most importantly, enjoy it!

I touched on some of my favourite tweets from September recently but the one that had me nodding in agreement like a demented nodding thing was this tweet from Sophie -

'After four and a half years of blogging its still such a joy to put together each post. That's the luxury of only sharing what I LOVE <3'.

Can I get a 'hallelujah'!

(Day 29 of blogging everyday for 40 days)

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  1. Happy blogiversary Hazel! Hurrah for 5 years!!! That's brilliant!! The photo is also fabulous!!! That's very dedicated of you to buy a balloon for the occasion!
    I don't understand people who delete their earlier posts or delete their blogs- yes they are a bit cringy but that's a record of the journey of who they were then, what they shared then and how they've evolved!
    I love blogging and I couldn't imagine giving it up!
    Well done and here's to the next 5 (coming from a 10 year blogger!!!)

    1. Thanks! The balloon was a bit of a spare of the moment thing. I saw one in the window of Clintons when I was in Felixstowe and just bought it without thought. It made me smile.
      I can't imagine giving up blogging either. I can't imagine not writing frequently.

  2. Love this - I think everyone (me included) sometimes questions why they invest so much time in such a weird hobby, but I love blogging for the same reason as you, to have a record of the things I do, feel, see and experience. Happy blog birthday!

    1. Thank you :)
      I find it so hard to explain why I blog to people IRL (so I don't try to). I just know that I enjoy it, it's my space to do with as I please.

  3. Happy 5 year blog anniversary! That's a huuuuuuuge balloon. Very impressed.
    I remember tweeting that, glad you had a nod-along :D
    Keep blogging! I enjoy your posts muchly :) xx

  4. Yey for reaching 5 years! Well done indeed.


Thank you for taking the time to comment x


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All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.