This year I'm joining A Buyer's Archive again with Elise, to keep track of my spending on clothes and accessories. I took part in 2016 too. This Year I'm all set for winter clothes, but I did buy myself a cardigan that tickled my fancy in the Sainsbury's sale - half price at £14.00 (how could I not?), and a bra from Next...
A Sunday night facial has become an integral step in my weekly routine, and one that I really look forward too. Not only is it a nice boost for my skin, it's a good excuse to sit and relax for a while and indulge in a little pampering. It's the ultimate 'me time' and a great way to finish off the weekend. I...
When it comes to Christmas and birthday gifts, I like people to tell me what they want, because if I'm left to my own devices I always, always, end up buying something for myself in the process of choosing a gift. Seriously, I need help. It might seem a little unimaginative but it helps my bank balance no end, and I can always...
Christmas day already seems like a dim and distant memory and we're only 19 days into the new year! For the second year running I took part in Jo's Twelve Days of Christmas Swap. I enjoyed taking part last year, and this year was just as enjoyable. Jo partnered me with April and we swapped parcels in early December. April sent me a...
I wasn't going to write a resolutions post, especially as the start of the new year seems like ages ago. I hadn't planned to make any resolutions at all, but the dawning of a new year turned my thoughts to a whole year stretching out before me and all the possibilities it brings. There are so many thoughts and ideas that have popped...
Now we've had a flurry of snow, I have a hankering for more. I know it can be a pain but I do like waking up to a covering of snow, watching the flakes silently falling, wrapping up warm and taking a walk in the crisp, crunchy snow, and then warming up with a cuppa by the fire. There isn't much that screams...
Verb. crystallise - cause to take on a definite and clear shape; "He tried to crystallise his thoughts" 2016 was, and I believe a lot of 2017 will be, about crystallising. It started in 2015 while reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo. Not that I did as much de-cluttering as I'd have liked, and certainly not in Kondo's do-it-all-in-a-day-and-be-ruthless way,...
Although winter starts on December 21st, I start my seasonal capsule wardrobes at the top of the month, just to make it easier, meaning my winter wardrobe runs through January, February and March. This year I'm recreating last year's seasonal capsules, and this is what I had to see me through winter last year. This was the only capsule of 2016 to include...
Each year I look back at what I spent on clothes and accessories, and have been doing so for five years now. In a previous post I shared every item I purchased in 2016, and here I'm doing my annual breakdown. The numbers My overall spend for the year was £742.39, buying me a total of 63 items, which is the lowest number...
If you'd asked me how many books I'd read in 2016 I'd have guessed at 30 or more. In reality I only read 17 with the final pages of my last book being finished on December 31st. I'm pretty sure that I either purchased or was given more than 17 books over the course of the year! On my last birthday I vowed...
In 2016 I kept tabs on my spending with Elise by taking part in A Buyer's Archive. I joined in as it seemed like a sensible way to help keep spending down. In 2015 I spent £1,250.86 (which includes £42.99 spend after issuing a spending ban) on clothes and accessories, and wanted to spend less in 2016. I'd hoped for a total overall...
Prompted by reading a similar post by Harriet a few years ago I decided to ask myself the same 10 questions at the end of each year. I used some questions from Harriet's post and added a few of my own. I think it'll be interesting to look back over these in years to come to see how my answers change. See my...
I really enjoyed having a capsule wardrobe in 2016 and found that instead of feeling limited in my choices, I felt I had more and wore a larger proportion of my wardrobe. By selecting items for capsules, and really looking at what I had in my wardrobe, I was more aware of what I owned, and over the course of the year I...