a questionnaire

Tag! You're it!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016
When I read Kezzie's answers to The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, I wanted to answer them because they're such good questions. Kezzie nominated anyone with an A in their name to answer them. Which I do (take note anyone who thinks my name is Joy), so here they are... 1. What is your favourite gemstone? Opals (the blue variety in particular),...


a random

On the brink of harvest

Thursday, July 21, 2016
I like summer and have some exciting plans for the coming months that I'm really looking forward to, but I do feel a pang of sadness when spring draws to an end, knowing that I will see so little of Andy in the coming months, as he works long days, everyday, during harvest. It's also an exciting time of year, the countryside becomes...


a questionnaire

July 18th | 24 Questions

Monday, July 18, 2016
This is me in July 2011, taken around the time I answered some random questions I'd found on a few blogs I'd been reading at the time. I decided to answer them again to see if / how my answers have changed. What is bothering you right now 2011 - Not having enough hours in the day, my work/life balance is way, way...


a capsule wardrobe

Spring Capsule | Favourite Outfits

Thursday, July 14, 2016
I really enjoyed wearing my spring capsule wardrobe. I loved how easy it was to use, and how well everything worked together. Here are some of the outfits. As you can see, the white skirt was definitely a favourite. As was the Next maxi skirt found in a charity shop, and my new ASOS jumper. But the biggest surprise was how much I...


a review

Latest In Beauty Boxes

Monday, July 11, 2016
I have Instagram to blame for the impulse purchase of two Latest In Beauty boxes. I saw a post showing the Build Your Own box and had to check it out for myself. And when I posted a pic of my two boxes, Kezzie asked 'oooh, show us what's in it!!!' I enjoy a beauty box, I've tried Glossybox, Birchbox, and My Little...


a list

Weekend Wishlist | 10 Festival Essentials

Friday, July 08, 2016
With Latitude '16 coming up I've been pondering the things I need to see me through the weekend. After last year I've already purchased a pull along granny trolley for transporting my gear to the campsite, a mallet (hard to put pegs in the ground without one!), and some fluorescent guy ropes. The black guy ropes that come with most tents are the...


a capsule wardrobe

Summer Capsule | 37 pieces

Wednesday, July 06, 2016
It took me quite a while to put together my spring capsule wardrobe, but this time around it's been much easier. I swapped just ten items from my spring capsule to make up my summer version. I removed items that I didn't wear a great deal - like my super warm wax jacket, a stripe sweatshirt, chunky knit jumper, and a woollen poncho....


a buyer's archive

A Buyer's Archive | June 2016

Friday, July 01, 2016
A Buyer's Archive - keeping track of my spending on clothes and accessories with Elise. To finish off last months Buyer's Archive post I wrote 'expect very few purchases in June.' I'm pleased to say I only made three purchases, two of which where necessary, one which I tried hard to justify as necessary but it's simply not true. Light Brown Comfort Suedette...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.