
The Day of This and That

Sunday, July 31, 2022

I missed a few months of Photo An Hour. In May I forgot, only remembering at lunchtime, and in June we decided to have Bub’s 1st birthday party on the chosen PAH day. There was just too much going on to take part.

The 23rd was the day chosen for July.

7am. Morning cuddles. And, if I am interpreting the sounds from the kitchen correctly, a cup of tea is on its way.

8am. We've breakfasted and played outside. Now for some supervised book time.

(Book time has to be supervised so that we can prevent Bub from destroying all the books. She likes to chew on them, peel off the covers, and reduce them to single pages and use them as stepping stones - and this is just board books, what she does to paperbacks is criminal! She really enjoys her books so I spend a lot of time with her and her books everyday, which I love!)

9am. Bathed, dressed, now playing with post-its and books. I’m trying to get dressed whilst preventing the bedroom (and books) getting trashed by the tiny person.

10am. Whilst Bub is having fun exploring our bedroom, I’m sorting out bits and pieces. It’s mutually agreeable.

11am. It sleeps. And while it does I’m pottering about undoing all the destruction it created this morning. There is a lot of tidying in motherhood.

1pm. Went to see husband at work. The agricultural education is underway.

2pm. A walk and then a bit of a sit. Must stay hydrated.

3pm. A quick stop at the yard to pressure wash the car.

4pm. Home and in the garden

6pm. Peeking. Trying to keep the lounge cool by closing the curtains. And trying to stop this one climbing into the back of the sofa.

7pm. Just popping the tractor in the garage for the night.

Thanks to Louisa for hosting. See you soon.

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  1. Sounds like you had an enjoyable, but exhausting, day! Reading takes on a whole different dimension! I guess agricultural education cannot start early enough, and I'm loving the fact that Bub seems as fascinated by tractors as our grandson Cas! xxx

    1. Everything has taken in a whole new dimension since she arrived. Life is unrecognisable, in the nicest possible way :)

  2. How lovely, thanks for sharing, the pictures are delightful whilst still preserving your family privacy :)

  3. Oh my comment came up anonymous (Betty the wood fairy) :)

    1. Hello Betty! Thanks, I made the decision before Bub was born that I wouldn't share pictures of her face online, but it is nice to be able to share these moments.


Thank you for taking the time to comment x


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