
Bloggers Art Gallery

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

So, Kezzie had the idea of creating a Bloggers Art Gallery link up. The idea - to share the art you have in your home - was open to anyone with a blog to take part, a date was chosen and here we are. You can find links to all participants here, and when all posts are live I'll pop the links at the bottom of this post.

In all likelihood the art on display will be many and varied but I hope to discover a few new artists.

I'll start with the most recent addition to my art collection (which makes it sound far grander than it actually is!).

My Dad gave me this vase by Pat Armstrong for my birthday after we spotted it in a gallery in Aldeburgh. It's utterly stunning. It's created by using a technique called Copper Fuming, which mixes copper oxide with the glaze mixture. The colours are beautiful and I turn it around every so often to enjoy a different view.

On the same day we also visited The Suffolk Craft Society Summer Exhibition.

We spent a very leisurely hour wandering around the displays and I settled on this bowl by ceramicist Simon Sharp. I love the bold design which in many ways reminds me of my time at college studying design. It's striking from any angle.

A collection of these little birds by ceramic sculptor Mary Wyatt were on display. I very nearly bought one, but opted for the bowl above instead. A few weeks later I spotted this one on a low shelf in a charity shop for £5.00.

My husband and I have very different tastes when it comes to wall hanging art, and this is why we have rather bare walls. He likes Steven Binks, an artist well known for his depictions of agricultural scenes. I think his paintings make wonderful greetings cards (meaning no disrespect, the man has undeniable artistic talent, it's just not to my taste), I gave one to my husband for his birthday without realising he was the artist.

In my office, where I have free reign on what goes on the walls, I have two prints that I adore. The first is a print of a painting by Alphonse Mucha. Mucha was the first fine artist to use his talent for advertising, and the designer in me rather likes this. His work is intricate and romantically beautiful.

When in Prague with a friend we visited the Mucha Museum, I loved seeing his work close up. I would be better informed about the artist himself if I hadn't fallen asleep whilst watching the documentary they showed in a side room. It was dark, and warm, we'd been walking around all day, and might've had one too many cups of mulled wine from the many stalls offering refreshment.

This print sits above my computer and makes me chuckle with it's typographical wit. I purchased this from a website several years ago but I can't remember which. I classify this as art because whilst it is graphic design, it wasn't created for a purpose other than to be hung on a wall and enjoyed.

I hung my Keep Calm and Carry On poster in the kitchen without thinking to ask if Andy liked it (I still don't know if he does) as it had hung in my kitchen before we moved. I know this is a bit of cliche now, but I purchased this a few years before all the cheap and cheesy mimics became popular. It's a piece of classic design, and I'll love it long after the memory of the Keep Calm craze fades.

I purchased this Coleman's Mustard advert from ebay when we first moved in. I'm rather partial to advertising as art (you might have noticed). I'd painted the pantry mustard yellow and it just seemed to fit. It's filthy, I hadn't noticed.

William Bird Watches and Waits by Natasha Newton is the first piece of original art I bought myself. My Dad has one of her landscape paintings in his lounge that I'd always admired. I found her online shop and made a snap purchase. I couldn't really justify spending the money at the time but I don't regret it one bit.

This owl belonged to my Mum and Dad, they bought it in the 70s and it hung above the stairs until they divorced and I kept it for myself. It sits in the junk spare room. It's wooden and is somehow scored and scorched into the wood. I think it's lovely. My brother asked me the other day if I remembered that "hideous old wooden owl we used to have to look at", he was very surprised to hear that I still have it. I'll find a good home for it one day.

The one that got away.
When we'd only just moved in to our current home my husband and I went exploring a small village nearby. We had a poke about an art gallery which was full of landscapes in gold gilt frames, and paintings of horses, but they did have one piece that I still think about today.

It was a massive canvas, probably about 2.5m wide and 1.5 high, of a heard of sheep. It was black and white, using what looked like huge chunks of charcoal using big, bold strokes. We both say that we wished we'd bought it, it would be perfect for our dining room wall, or in the space created by the staircase. We have no idea who it was by, or how much it was but the memory of it remains.

Leave me a comment to let me know you've visited my little online gallery, thanks.

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  1. You have some beautiful things - and your photos are much, much better than mine are!! I love the little bird - what luck finding it in the charity shop.

    1. Thank you. I was so pleased to spot this in a charity shop just weeks after almost buying it from the gallery. I like to think I'll appreciate it much more than the person who donated it.

  2. Thanks for sharing your gallery, your cosmic vibe vase is just incredible and I was very taken with the Mary Wyatt bird too, what a great find.

    1. I had fun putting this together, often when we see things everyday we forget to look so it was nice to get re acquainted with my little art collection again.
      I love that vase, I can look at it for ages, the colours are so vibrant, and it does remind me of the cosmos!

  3. Thank you for sharing the art in you home!It's all so lovely -- I love the advert art also. But that large vase at the top! It looks like it's alive!

    1. That's a wonderful way of putting it! Thanks for visiting.

  4. Wow, the vase is truly stunning!

    The bookshop where the original Keep Calm and Carry On poster was found is an amazing place.

    1. It's a beauty isn't it?
      I had no idea it was found in a bookshop, I shall have to investigate!

  5. That vase is stunning, what bright and beautiful colours. It's the kind of thing that I would buy. Also, the wooden owl is very nice too. I like it a lot.

    1. Isn't it lovely? Pat Armstrong also makes vases using a technique called Naked Raku and I have to say I'd like on of those too.
      I feel rather nostalgic about he wooden owl.
      Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. First of all that vase by Pat Armstrong is truly stunning. Your collection of art is very impressive. My favourite piece is (I'll copy paste the title and artist so that I don't type something wrongly): William Bird Watches and Waits by Natasha Newton. There is something truly unique about that seemingly simple painting of a bird. I feel like the background really gives it depth. You really aced it with the first painting by an independent artist you bought. Well done.
    The first artist I remember buying from was Spomenka (I don't know her last name), she is a self taught artist from Mostar. We ordered a lot of her paintings as gifts for friends and a few for ourselves as well. She has a lovely style and she is a single mom so she can really use the work. She doesn't have a website though so I can't link anything of hers up.

    I also have a story about the one that got away- I saw this beautiful seaside painting by a local artist from Mostar (can't write his name for reasons I'll explain shortly) but my husband flat out refused to buy it because apparently the artist was a heroin addict (or maybe still is; I really don't know). Since then, I've across other paintings by him that were similar or painted in a similar style but none of them really appealed to me. There was something special about that one.

    1. The vase seems to be a favourite!
      I've always thought that William Bird Watches and Waits felt rather serene and quiet, that's how it makes me feel anyway.
      I think we all have one that got away, I still look for something like it but I don't I'll ever come across something like that again, it's worth the continued search though, don't you think?
      Thanks for visiting!

  7. I'd love some of those pieces in my house! I've got a real weakness for vintage adverts and Mucha. The ceramics are stunning, that Pat Armstrong vase makes me a bit weak at the knees, the colours are fabulous. I love the Simon Sharp bowl and how lucky were you to find that darling bird in a charity shop? The gods were smiling on you that day! xxx

    1. With the Pat Armstrong vase I knew as soon as I saw it I had to have it, I wasn't leaving the gallery without it.
      I could not believe my luck when I spied that little bird, how could anyone give it away - although I am glad they did!

  8. That Pat Armstrong is absolutely stunning and how amazing is that Simon Sharp bowl! I'm loving Mucha too, so that print is right up my street, as is the Colman Mustard ad. I just love old advertising. I'm also having a soft spot for you Mum and Dad's owl. I would definitely have kept that too. xxx

    1. It seems to be everyone's favourite :)
      I'm glad it not just me that likes old advertising, I thought it was my graphic design roots but clearly it has a wider appeal.
      I'm now determined to find a home for the owl, he deserves better than to be stuck in the spare room.

  9. The colours on the vase are stunning...like an incredible sunset. Arilx

    1. Isn't it divine? Thanks for stopping by Aril.

  10. Ooh, what great colors! You have good taste.

  11. Wow!,that vase is amazing and the rest of your art pieces are also beautiful.
    Thanks for inviting us in to see your art. I especially like those in your office.

  12. Your vase is spectacular - would get smashed in here in no time as I am very clumsy - I like your bird pictures and bird sculpture the best (I imagine it's a struggle to keep tractor paintings off the walls but I would put every fibre of my body into it! poor you :) The 70s owl is very nice, if I was a burglar I would nab that one!

    1. I kept the vase in a drawer for a few weeks for fear of breaking it, but then I had a word with myself and put it on display.
      I really don't like tractor paintings, especially by Steven Binks so I will fight to keep them off the walls. I did buy a nice advertising poster for a tractor for Andy's birthday which we both really like. I'll share it at some point I'm sure. I think advertising posters are where our tastes meet :)

  13. Wow that vase is amazing! I'd quite like something similar now, haha! I like the Be Bold print too. It's very interesting to see what art people have in their homes and read the stories behind some of the pieces. I didn't realise what a great series of posts Kezzie's idea would lead to until I've started looking!

    1. Everyone seems drawn to the vase. Pat Armstrong has stockists allover the UK, just checkout her website...
      It's been really interesting to see everyone's art, I'm still working my way through the posts. It was a great idea of Kezzie's!

    2. I did check out Pat Armstrong's list of stockists and have bookmarked it. I'm not surprised everyone loves it! I wasn't totally convinced on the art gallery idea and when it came to writing mine, regretted saying I'd join in, but I'm glad I did now and I've really enjoyed touring all the posts (I'm still working through too!)

      Re your comment on my post - I think part of the reason I've taken so long to get things on the walls is being indecisive and not wanting to commit to definite, fixed pieces. I much prefer the picture ledge option and will probably do the same in bedrooms.

      Just in case it helps, when I first looked for them some of the prices on picture ledges were really high for what you're actually getting (some were £70 for less than a metre of shelf!) so I had been waiting on my dad to make some for me, but then whilst searching for frames I found the ones we have at a much more reasonable £13 each. They came all the way from Sweden but delivery was fast and it got the job done. We bought the natural oak ones and stained them to match the living room bookshelves


    3. I love the idea of picture ledges, thank you so much for the recommendation.
      There is so much art that I like but wouldn't want to look at everyday or for a long period of time so ledges are the perfect solution.


  14. You have some lovely pieces. I can't believe you found that little bird in a charity shop of all places after you'd been admiring it.

    1. I know, I'm so surprised some one would want to get rid of it, and so soon after it must've been purchased, merely weeks. I wonder if he was an unwanted gift? No matter what I'm glad he found his way to me.

  15. The chubby little ceramic bird is my fave and what a bargain too. All your art is lovely though. And the owl is so characterful. X

  16. OOOOOH, I ADORE your art!!!! As you might expect, I am going to join the 'That vase is amazing' bandwagon! It really is stunning and it looks like an oilslick in vase form- so glorious!
    I really love that bowl too- it really is attractive from all angles. HOW amazing you found that beautiful bird in a charity shop!
    I've just realised I've lost a piece of art work- my first piece bought from the church Awful art exhibition! Where is it!??!!
    I really like the advertisments and the Italic and bold print!

    1. Thank you! I hope you find your lost piece. Was it really called Awful? heheh that's funny.

  17. P.S. My one that got away was from the Southwold Art Gallery and was a series of copper fish (I did say I love fish art) suspended on copper sticks into a beautiful piece of driftwood- soooo beautiful!

    1. I've seen similar pieces to the one you describe - also in Southwold. It's a lesson to buy the art we love, when we see it!

  18. I am very much in awe of that vase, such a beauty. I've not seen anything like it.
    I'll have to buy some Natasha Newton art at some point, agree with how delightful her work is! And I know what you mean about regretting not buying a piece, you only get one shot with much art. xx

    1. I love her work! She's a local lady too which somehow makes it nicer.

  19. Beautiful art pieces, Hazel! I LOVE the very first one, the vase with all of the colors! Just looking at it makes me thinks of like space nebulas or something similar. Wonderful!!
    I really like the Steven Binks postcard piece. I have a, shall we say, an affinity of sorts for postcard art, so I always admire anything that size when it comes to art.
    The owl is so cute! And very well crafted.
    Thanks for sharing your art pieces, Hazel. These were all great!

    1. Thank you Mike.
      I've always felt that the vase has a feeling of the universe, like I'm looking into infinite depths.
      I have a thing about small square pieces of art, which is probably why I like Instagram so much!

  20. This is a lovely idea, and so lucky to find the bird. Lovely that it's ended up somewhere where it's being appreciated.
    You've reminded me of visiting an art show in Aldeburgh when I was much younger. It was in some kind of upstairs gallery opposite Café 152, as was, and I remember being very taken with some felted bags with amazing beaded fringe.

    1. I think it's the same gallery, it's upstairs, and there is now a french restaurant opposite :)

  21. I'm visiting the Bloggers' art gallery to do that promised revisit post I never finished! I DO love that vase so much! Hope you are well Hazel! Sorry I've not got around to sending Christmas cards as we have been in isolation as Chris got Covid- my test came back negative today and we are now freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee as of tomorrow!


Thank you for taking the time to comment x


All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.