
Back Again?

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Hello, I’ve been pondering how to start a blog post after such a long absence, and I decided to just start.

So here I am, back again. With good intentions of posting at least a few times a month.

All that’s left is for me to decide what I’ll be posting about. I used to witter on about my wardrobe, or rather the clothes in it and the outfits I made from it, and share to-do lists that never got entirely ticked off.

But these days I don’t have the time to write a to-do list much less tick things off. And my outfits are few and functional.

So I’ll be just writing. Capturing thoughts and ideas, memories and moments. My blog has never followed a schedule so perhaps it won’t feel all that different?

I’ve missed my blog, and the blogs I used to regularly read. They both feel like old friendships that I’ve been neglecting, much like some of my real life friendships (and my poor cats)! I hope to be more present here, and IRL.

What have I been up to? Everything and nothing. There’s almost too much to share. Too much time has passed. Let’s just say parenthood has been all consuming in the best possible way, but it has paused a lot of what made up my life pre-Bub.

The housework, DIY, and garden have all been put on the back burner, in fact I feel that I should probably be ironing or something similar instead of sitting here typing but I felt the need to do something just for me. So here I am, it feels good to be back.

I hope you're well, take care, more soon.


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  1. Lovely to have you back. Motherhood is like that - when mine were young, my to-do lists usually began with "eat breakfast" so that I had something to tick off - and even then it was often around 10.30am before I got my cereal or toast! Be honest, be yourself - and know you are loved, and your efforts are appreciated

  2. I'm glad to have you back, Hazel, and capturing thoughts, memories and moments sounds just the thing. Looking forward to your posts! xxx

  3. Welcome back, Hazel! It's lovely to see a post from you pop up again! x

  4. Welcome back! I know just how you feel. I have several blog posts in mind but no time to actually type them - especially lately when we seem to have been dealing with one illness after another!

  5. You're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! Yay!!!! Long may it continue!!!x
    Believe it or not, I am typing my TARDIS Tuesday post and I linked to the last time I wore the outfit, which was in lockdown and I came to find some mad comment I apparently left when I suddenly realised I had Kitkats when reading your blog! And then had the delightful surprise of seeing this!!x


Thank you for taking the time to comment x


All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.