
The Day of The Pom Pom Bath

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Just a quick post to catch up with my Photo an Hour days. I missed February entirely, but I did manage some of the day in January (21st), not a great start to the Photo an Hour challenge of 2023!

9am. Just remembered it’s Photo An Hour day! We’re starting the day with a pom pom bath. No plans today, we’re making it up as we go along.

We'd been up since 7am, but it wasn't until I opened Instagram that I realised it was Photo an Hour! The first photo of the day might look like I'm living an Instagrammable life, but before the bath was over Bub had pooped. In the bath. With the pom poms.

Nothing says 'real life' like fishing poop and pom poms out of your bath with a jug!

11am. Painting. It’ll take longer to clean up than we spend doing it but it’s so much fun!

1pm. She sleeps

3pm. Snack time. Bub learned the word 'nak' quite early on, and now she stands at the cupboard and rattles the door (thank goodness for childproof door locks).

The rest of the day followed a familiar path. Teatime at 5:30pm, some playtime and cBeebies until 7pm, then up to bed for teeth cleaning, a nappy change, some bedtime stories (One Ted Falls Out of Bed being a particular favourite), and then the lights are dimmed to drift off to sleep. At which point I get ready for bed, potter about for a whilst chatting to Andy, tidying, updating my grocery shopping order, adding to my meal plan etc, before going to bed myself to read, only to fall asleep before I finish a page.

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  1. Never a dull moment with Bub, it seems :-) Still shuddering about the pom pom bath episode ... xxx

  2. We haven't done any painting yet. I keep trying to get baby to colour but she just wants to eat the crayons so I feel like paint is a bad idea right now...

  3. Awww, I like the idea of a pom pom bath. The poo in it, not so much! We had a projectile vomiting incident at the Royal Albert Hall yesterday! My child, in the middle of a song, in almost 6 different directions, right in the middle of the stage. It was one of the low points of my music teacher career!!


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All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.