
A Sewing Project

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

I decided that I wanted a little craft project to do. It’s been ages since I’ve indulged in anything crafty and I just got the urge.

I needed something that I could pick up and put down easily, but what?

Sewing was where I landed and I spent some time pondering what this project could be. One day a random memory popped into my head of a stuffed toy kit I was given when I was about eight years old. It was then that I decided to make something similar for Bub.

I Googled ‘mole sewing kit’ and an image in the search results caught my eye - a kit that looked very similar to the one I had had. On closer inspection I realised it was the exact same kit.

I clicked the link and it took me to a blog. This lady was sewing the kit which she’d found at a car boot sale. But it gave me the exact name of the kit and I was able to Google that.

A few sites came up selling the kit but all where out of stock. Which isn’t surprising as they probably stopped manufacturing this years ago.

Some days later I was still thinking about this mole and I had a thought to try eBay. A couple of kits of the same brand where listed, but not the mole.

I wanted the mole.

I’d become a bit obsessed with the mole.

No other mole would do.

I had no choice but to abandon the idea and decided to browse other kits when I had time.

A few weeks later a notification popped up on my phone to say someone had listed a ‘Vintage Minicraft Ready to Sew Mole’. I’d saved the search! I don’t remember doing so, but there it was, the exact kit I’d had all those years ago.

It was £4.50. Obviously I bought it.

So why the photo of a lion? Well that was just to keep you guessing :) I found the lion kit languishing in my craft stash. I’ll be sewing him together too - after the mole.

Now I just need to make a start, but I promise to share the mole, who will no doubt be known as Moley, with you as soon as he’s been stitched into existence.


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  1. How excited that you found the mole after all, Hazel, even if you put us on the wrong track with the lion :-) xxx

    1. Hehe, I couldn’t resist!
      The mole is in production, it really won’t take long, it feels very familiar, it’s lovely 😊 xx

  2. that's a lovely outcome, it's surprising what can be found online these days. You have jogged my memory of a black cat my mother made me :) I am using a new blog now as having gliches with the old one so you can find me on www.elderberry-rob.blogspot.com if you still want to follow. Looking forward to seeing the little mole. Betty

    1. Hopefully he’ll be finished soon. It’s a simple project but my opportunities for sewing are limited.
      I’ll be sure to follow your new blog, I really want to catch up with all the bloggers I used to follow xx

  3. Yaaay!!! I am so happy you found him! Can't wait to see him!x

  4. I missed this post at the time. Now I'm curious to know whether Moley was ever completed!


Thank you for taking the time to comment x


All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.