a list

Weekend Wish List

Friday, January 29, 2016
I always seem have a (not so) little shopping list lurking at the back of my mind. Some things stay on the list, never to be purchased, eventually slipping from view. Others have a very short life on the list and make it into my shopping basket as soon as payday comes around. New Look Nude Pointed Heeled Court Shoe  |  via ASOS ...


a capsule wardrobe

Winter Capsule Wardrobe

Monday, January 25, 2016
Since January 1st I've been wearing items from my newly created capsule wardrobe. It's an idea I'd been pondering for a while, and as I tend to pull the same clothes from my crowded wardrobe time and time again anyway, I realised it probably wouldn't be too difficult to do. It's a capsule wardrobe, originally created by Un-Fancy, that you update each season,...


a spending ban

The spending ban that did work

Friday, January 22, 2016
So, putting myself on a total spending ban doesn't work. I try, I fail, I try again. Again I fail. The story never changes. However I have found something that does work for me. At the end of 2014 I promised myself that I wouldn't buy any scarves or PJs for a whole year. I had more than enough already and even though...


a project


Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Last year I was introduced to needle felting and was immediately hooked. I've put it to one side for the sake of my patchwork quilt for now, but I am itching to pick it up again. I attended a course in October last year, where I made pumpkins, and ate cake. And then of course once I  returned home, I made some more....


a spending ban

My 'Spending Ban'

Sunday, January 17, 2016
I issued a spending ban. But I caved. I doubt anyone will be surprised. I wasn't. I was in a charity shop, back in November (in my defense I was making a donation), when I tripped and fell into the changing room with some knitwear. And then I was pondering what to wear over the festive period. You might recall a red dress...


an outfit

Dressing for my life

Friday, January 15, 2016
Not to be confused with phrases such as running for my life or begging for my life, this is far less dramatic. I'm talking about creating a wardrobe to match my lifestyle. Since leaving an office environment (nearly three years ago now!), and since we now have a less hectic social life, I came to realise that my wardrobe was full of items...


a list

Made for Me

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
I mentioned in my previous post that receiving things with my name on makes me happy. And what better way to follow that than to share my new make up bag, a Christmas gift from my husband. It's roomy and stylish, and IT'S GOT MY NAME ON IT!! It's made by Tillyanna and sold via Not On The High Street. I had to...


a little look

12 Days of Christmas

Monday, January 11, 2016
I took part in the 12 Days of Christmas Swap this year organised by Jo at Through the Keyhole. The idea was to send 12 gifts, one to be opened each day of the 12 days of Christmas. I was partnered with Alcea Rosea and this is what I received. A box full of beautifully wrapped and numbered gifts, I was very good...


beauty cabinet

Skincare Favourites 2015

Saturday, January 09, 2016
I feel like I've found some amazing beauty products this year. Most of my purchases can be attributed to reading blog reviews, or from watching beauty You Tubers, either way I'm happy to have found these products, and to have added them to my beauty cabinet. In no particular order, my first favourite is a mask found via Lisa Eldridge's skincare routine video....


a list

A year in 10 questions

Thursday, January 07, 2016
Prompted by reading a similar post by Harriet last year, I decided to ask myself 10 questions about the year, to note down and keep in my draft folder, to revisit and answer each year. I used some questions from Harriet's post and added a few of my own. I think it'll be interesting to look back over these in years to come...


a little look

Resolutions for 2016

Tuesday, January 05, 2016
I'm not going to make any resolutions for 2016. I already make seasonal lists and I have a Birthday Wish list too. I love a list like the next list obsessive but even I think another one would be too much. So here's a little update on my Wish List for Year 40. Create calm The house is in chaos after Christmas but...


a look back

2015 | Clothes

Sunday, January 03, 2016
I spent a lot on clothes in 2015, so much in fact that when I worked out the exact figure, I issued an immediate spending ban. I've added some lovely items to my wardrobe and despite wishing I hadn't spent quite so much, I think I've bought some absolute corkers. My favourites My 'Next Day Dress', £69, and the dress I wore for...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.