a buyer's archive

A Buyer's Archive December '17

Sunday, December 31, 2017
Each month I'm posting my clothing and accessory purchases in A Buyer's Archive, inspired by Elise, to keep track of what I'm buying and spending, and to compare with that of last year. THIS YEAR When I looked at the items in my capsule wardrobe in mid November, I felt truly uninspired. Once I'd removed all the maternity clothes from the capsule I...


a capsule wardrobe

Winter Capsule 2018

Friday, December 29, 2017
I wanted lots of colour to see me through the cold months of the year, however this didn't stop me from adding two navy jumpers, and a couple of beige items to this capsule. A girl's gotta have some staples, right? This time around I've got fewer items than I normally have. Having looked back over all my other capsules I realised I...




Thursday, December 28, 2017
Hello! Did you have a good Christmas? It's that odd time between Christmas and New Year. I don't know what day it is. I'm not even sure of the date. But I do know I've had a lovely few days. Today I'm relaxing, pottering and pondering. I created my Instagram Best Nine today and though I'd share the story behind each photo. The...


a list

This Week #13 | Busy!

Friday, December 22, 2017
Oh my goodness, what a week! I always leave things to the last minute and end up rushing around like a crazy person with to-do lists coming out of my ears. I enjoy the chaos but have found it somewhat tiring this year. Still, it nearly all done. This week has been quite sociable. It started with lunch at the Lavenham Swan with...


a list

Autumn '17 Roundup

Wednesday, December 20, 2017
I can not believe it's nearly Christmas, I really don't know where the time has gone. Some of the things on this list seem like I did them eons ago, and yet I ran out of time to do them all. Still, it's been a lovely season in many ways. Winter maybe upon us but that means spring isn't far away and soon...


a season

Ten Things To Do This Winter

Monday, December 18, 2017
1. Read 12 books I did a lot of reading in 2017, but I also purchased a lot of books, mostly from charity shops, and yet I still managed to spend £104.03 on books over the course of the year. So once again I want to read as much as possible, not just over winter, but throughout the year. I'm on a book...


a list

Reading Challenge

Friday, December 15, 2017
I've set myself a little reading challenge for 2018 as part of my Day Zero Project. I want to read a book each month with the name of that month in the title, and I'm in need of your recommendations. I have four books sorted already. The Two Faces of January by Patricia Highsmith is on it's way to me via Father Christmas...


a list

2017 Shopping List

Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Last year I compiled a shopping list of things that I felt were missing from my wardrobe, I posted the list in early February. Having remembered I'd done so, I was interested to see how many things I'd ticked off. In no particular order the items were; Slouchy jeans I found a pair in a charity shop in August, they're pre loved Oasis...


a list

This Week #12 | Quality Time

Friday, December 08, 2017
This week has been good. It started with a visit from the bereavement midwife. I was ridiculously nervous about meeting her but I needn't have been. She was really lovely, and told me about the support I could receive from the hospital, we talked about my experience, and she answered a few questions I had. It's not until you go through something like...


a little look

Burgundy Boots

Wednesday, December 06, 2017
Being the only bidder on an ebay item you've been watching for days feels pretty good. I won these burgundy knee high boots for £24.99, and then kept everything crossed that they would fit and be comfortable. And they do, and they are! They're in really good condition with minimal wear, originally from Topshop. They arrived this morning, and, in true Hazel fashion,...


a list

This Week #11 | Being Grateful

Friday, December 01, 2017
It's been a quiet week, I've been slowly returning to work, doing a few hours a day. I've spent some time at work with Andy (nothing strenuous, just keeping him company whilst he drives around checking on things). We've worked our way though a huge portion of the Game of Thrones boxset, and I've finally started preparing for the festive season. One of...


a buyer's archive

A Buyer's Archive | November '17

Thursday, November 30, 2017
Each month I'm posting my clothing and accessory purchases in A Buyer's Archive, inspired by Elise, to keep track of what I'm buying and spending, and to compare with that of last year. THIS YEAR I made a few maternity purchases in early November. A denim dress, which I thought would look great with a long sleeved striped t-shirt underneath (£3.70), and a...


an outfit

Get Up & Dress Up

Tuesday, November 28, 2017
I'm feeling more like my normal self today. Less tired, more energetic, and although I have to be careful not to over do it, I've been feeling the need to do more than sit around, watching crappy daytime TV (although I refused to even contemplate watching Jeremy Kyle no-matter-what). I've been taking the time to catch up on some blog reading (on the...


a ramble

This Week #10 | Little Things

Friday, November 24, 2017
This week I've been enjoying the little things. Snuggling up on the sofa with my husband and cats, spending time with friends, watching birds in the garden, and slowly working my way through the Game of Thrones boxset. This week has been much better than last week, and significantly better than the week before. The week before, at 11 weeks and 5 days...


a buyer's archive

A Buyer's Archive | October '17

Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Each month I'm posting my clothing and accessory purchases in A Buyer's Archive, inspired by Elise, to keep track of what I'm buying and spending, and to compare with that of last year. Autumn has arrived, so my attention has been turned to jumpers and all things warm. October is when Sophie and I get together for a tour of the charity shops,...


a list

16 Things To Do This Autumn

Sunday, October 29, 2017
Make fat balls for the birds and keep them coming throughout autumn and winter Prepare a crumble using foraged fruits and serve with piping hot custard Enjoy a homemade soup for lunch with fresh crusty granary rolls Watch a scary movie on Halloween Watch under 16s football from the sidelines (so much better than watching the overpaid 'professionals') Light a bonfire and roast...


a capsule wardrobe

My Autumn '17 Capsule

Tuesday, October 24, 2017
I decided to build my capsule wardrobe in a slightly different way this season. Instead of sitting down and picking out all 36 items in one sitting, I allowed it to develop naturally. At the start of October I simply looked in my wardrobe each morning and picked out an outfit that I wanted to wear. By the end of the week I'd...


a wishlist

Year 41

Tuesday, October 17, 2017
On my birthday last year I wrote a wish list for the year, and having turned 42 nearly two month ago I thought it was time I look over it, and maybe write a new list for Year 42. That said, a few posts ago I mentioned that I didn't see the point in writing about the things that I failed to tick...


a capsule wardrobe

My Summer '17 Capsule | The Outfits

Saturday, October 07, 2017
My summer capsule wardrobe changed somewhat over the course of the season. Some items I decided I wouldn't wear, others became worn out, some pieces I didn't wear because the weather just wasn't up to scratch. So at the end of the three months my capsule looked very different from how it did at the start. What I'd planned to wear What I...


a challenge

Fast Fashion Fast (ish)

Wednesday, October 04, 2017
I signed up to the Fast Fashion Fast back in June to see if I could go three months without buying anything from the high street. Those of you who read my Buyer's Archive posts will know that I tripped and fell, purse first, into a few. Taking part made me look at my spending habits, and whilst I have purchased some high...


a buyer's archive

A Buyer's Archive | September '17

Saturday, September 30, 2017
Each month I'm posting my clothing and accessory purchases in A Buyer's Archive, inspired by Elise, to keep track of what I'm buying and spending, and to compare with that of last year. THIS YEAR Only a few purchases this month, two new items, and one pre-loved. My new purchases are wardrobe staples and I have no doubt that they will be worn...


a look back

Seven Years Old

Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Today marks seven years since I published my first post on World Of Joy. I'm celebrating with some French Fancies, because every celebration requires these pink, yellow, and chocolate squares before it can really be called a celebration! The little creamy bit on top is the best bit isn't it? I've been thinking about all the ways in which my blog has enhanced...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.