Here we are at the end of Challenge 4-4-4 and, as I used to say to my Mum, 'I'm fiiinnnnnnnnnished!' I liked and enjoyed this challenge a lot. So-much-so I'm it all over again, so it's not technically finished, but I started afresh on Saturday with a new selection of items. Whilst some outfits weren't in the least bit interesting I liked and...
My current challenge of wearing just 16 clothing items is going by so quickly, that I can't believe I'm in the last week already. I did wonder if this challenge was going to be the easiest one yet, and yep, I was right. Some items have barely been worn at all. In my last update post I wondered about continuing for another four...
Joining in with Is That You Darling Photo An Hour, October. I had no plans other than to get some work done but it actually turned out to be a rather lovely day of what ever I pleased. 6.24am Andy woke me to say goodbye before leaving for work. My first job of the day was to release our kitchen mouse, he'd succumbed...
When this here blog turned four years old I decided to mark the occasion with another wardrobe challenge. I chose four tops, four jumpers (or long sleeved / warmer options), four bottoms and four dresses (although 2 dresses where quickly discarded and are yet to be replaced) to be worn for 4 weeks. This is week 2... Saturday Lots of chasing about running...
Lucy asked these questions a while ago, not tagging anyone but inviting those who wanted to to answer her questions to do so. I liked them, so here are my answers... 1. What is your favourite place in the world? Home. It sounds so boring but it's my sanctuary - the place where I feel most free, relaxed and safe. 2. What was...
First up, thank you for all the kind comments on my previous post. I hesitated a little before I hit publish but I should have known you'd be kind and understanding. I feel better about things, having decided to talk it over when the right time presents itself. So, week 1 of challenge 4-4-4. I guess I should start by listing the items...
It was my birthday just over a month ago, and in all honesty I thought I'd be receiving an engagement ring. It was a thought that occurred to me a few months before, a thought that, once there, stuck in my mind and wouldn't go away. I've never been overly fussed about getting married, always seeing it as something we would do 'in...
I've long given up on the idea of neat, not-a-hair-out-of-place hair. I was forced to embrace messy hair years ago out of exasperation, it rarely looked anything but a bit of a mess! Normally, I wear my hair down but I fancied trying something a little different, so when I came across this super simple tutorial on Pinterest I was smitten and keen...