A long overdue Photo An Hour post! April 15th was the chosen day, thanks as ever to Louisa for hosting, I may not remember them all but I do enjoy taking part when I do. 6am Awake. Husband is already up, getting ready to go to work. Bub is still sleeping. I’m enjoying the quiet, whilst searching for a replacement clock mechanism online....
I decided that I wanted a little craft project to do. It’s been ages since I’ve indulged in anything crafty and I just got the urge. I needed something that I could pick up and put down easily, but what? Sewing was where I landed and I spent some time pondering what this project could be. One day a random memory popped into...
Just a quick post to catch up with my Photo an Hour days. I missed February entirely, but I did manage some of the day in January (21st), not a great start to the Photo an Hour challenge of 2023! 9am. Just remembered it’s Photo An Hour day! We’re starting the day with a pom pom bath. No plans today, we’re making it...
Hello, I’ve been pondering how to start a blog post after such a long absence, and I decided to just start. So here I am, back again. With good intentions of posting at least a few times a month. All that’s left is for me to decide what I’ll be posting about. I used to witter on about my wardrobe, or rather the...
Another Photo An Hour post, albeit an incomplete one. October 22nd was the chosen day, thanks as ever to Louisa for hosting, I may not keep up to date with them but I do enjoy taking part. 6:30am small bed invader. Not sure what the day holds but it’s time to get the day underway. 7:30am another small bed invader. Bub is downstairs...
I missed a few months of Photo An Hour. In May I forgot, only remembering at lunchtime, and in June we decided to have Bub’s 1st birthday party on the chosen PAH day. There was just too much going on to take part. The 23rd was the day chosen for July. 7am. Morning cuddles. And, if I am interpreting the sounds from the...