As my plan was to buy less this year, I decided to write my Buyer's Archive posts every three months, now I realise that it makes them a bit lengthy, so I might go back to monthly posts. Please let me know what you think (if you ever make it to the end of this!). My challenge to buy just one item per...
Saturday I woke up with another urge to clean, I find it baffling as normally the thought is 'I guess I should do some housework', never before have I woke up wanting to do it! I had a few tea breaks though. I phoned my Dad at 10 o'clock with a cup of tea in hand ready to join him on his tea...
This year I'm making my resolutions at the start of each month, hoping that this will make the year a productive one. Obviously anything I do this month will be based at home. It was hard to think of things to do this month. Whenever I thought about what I wanted to do the answer was always 'see my family'. Not knowing when...
This week has seen lockdown introduced. At this time last week I was only just beginning to feel the effects of coronavirus on my life - appointments cancelled, trouble buying cat food, questioning if my reason for leaving the house was valid enough - and now it feels like I'm living in some kind of weird Truman Show style reality, I mean this...
This year I'm making my resolutions at the start of each month, but March didn't quite go to plan. Coronavirus put a bloody great - if absolutely necessary - spanner in the works. Here's what happened 1. Get my green skirt zip professionally mended I'd found a place to take it but hadn't managed to do so before social distancing kicked in, and...
March 21st, 2020. I was supposed to be meeting up with a friend but we postponed to adhere to social distancing, so I thought I'd have a day of doing nice things instead but I woke up with other ideas... 7am Waiting for the kettle to boil for my first cuppa of the day, Tink had a drink too. My cats have a...
I'm going to call this Week One, as before this week Corona Virus hadn't really had any impact on my life. I mean, I knew it was going on, obviously, it was a concern but I hadn't felt the effects myself. I work from home so I hadn't noticed the empty streets and roads, or experienced the ransacked supermarket shelves. When it was...
In the midst of Corona Virus, panic buying, quarantine, and self isolation, all made worse by the media frenzy, I'm contemplating how to turn the situation on it's head and relish the alone time at home. I work from home already, so my working week looks very much the same as it always has, but the constant assault from the media has worn...
This year I'm making my resolutions at the start of each month, hoping that this will refocus my attention and make the year a productive one. 1. Get my green skirt zip professionally mended I tried to replace the zip on my favourite skirt but made a really bad job of it. I haven't worn it for months but I want it fixed...
I've copied these questions from Bev because I rather enjoyed the randomness of them. Three things I liked about February 1. An impromptu trip to Chelmsford Cathedral to see Kezzie play in her flute ensemble, Flutista. My iMac broke so I was forced to take a few days off work (it's all fixed now). That morning I decided to just hop on a...