
Take A Day

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

In the midst of Corona Virus, panic buying, quarantine, and self isolation, all made worse by the media frenzy, I'm contemplating how to turn the situation on it's head and relish the alone time at home.

I work from home already, so my working week looks very much the same as it always has, but the constant assault from the media has worn me down. I've switched off. I know what I should be doing, what precautions I should be taking, but the constant barrage of doom and gloom I can do without.

We have a well stocked pantry so if we need to self isolate we'll be OK for a few weeks. We might not have coherent meals by the end of it but we certainly won't starve. We have been known to enjoy one of my 'stuff teas' (a random collection of food that normally doesn't go together but needs eating) on more than one occasion, usually after Christmas when left overs are becoming scarce but I can't be arsed to go shopping.

I'm thankful that we decided to buy loo roll in bulk last year - not to stockpile, but to limit plastic packaging - and have medication in the cupboard should we need it. We're sorted.

My plans were cancelled last weekend, and this weekend my friend and I have decided to postpone our meet up until another time. It's disappointing as I was very much looking forward to it but it's the right thing to do.

Andy will continue to go to work, so what shall I do with my Saturday?

I came across this post from Lena Dunham on Instagram that made me think about what I could do instead of just bumble around doing this and that, which is what I usually do on weekends when I have no fixed plans.

What would my perfect day look like?

An early breakfast followed by an hour of yoga. My first cup of tea enjoyed looking out over the fields.

A soak in the bath with my current book - How To Be Happy. Followed by some of this maybe? (apologies if you're not on Instagram).

A potter in my greenhouse, perhaps sorting through my seeds to decide what I'll try to grow this year.

A nutritious lunch - poached egg with smashed avocado and homegrown chives on toast.

And one of Lena's suggestions - try every product I have (including the large eye shadow palette that is rather more orange that I realised when I bought it), keep what I love, throw out anything out of date, or recycle that doesn't suit me.

Start that craft project that's been rolling around my brain for a while. Listening to music played loud.

Making a huge batch of chilli con carne, eating a generous portion, saving some for the following day (it's always better the second day anyway) and freezing the rest.

All the while drinking tea, perhaps brewing up some of the flavours I often forget about and leave in the cupboard, the loose leaf stuff that I usually overlook in favour of the easier and quicker teabags.

And why not do it all wearing my favourite outfit, or that dress I love but hardly ever wear.

In fact I think every weekend should be like this! Let's find the good stuff, and under no circumstances turn on the news. Let's make ourselves smile, enjoy the alone time, dance, play, laugh, relax. Take a moment. Breathe.

What would you do on your perfect day at home?

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  1. I think as crafters and readers we'll manage somehow without getting bored. The main difference for me will be having Mick at home. He does sometimes work from home anyway but he's been told today to work from home as much as he can now.

    1. I rarely get bored in my own company, but there is something about being told to stay at home that makes me want to go out! And to make up for missing out on meeting up with a friend, I want to make sure I do something nice with my day.
      I doubt Andy will stop work, but working out in the fields, with little face to face time with others he isn't at much risk.

  2. What a lovely way to spin this potentially gloomy period! Mine would involve a lie-in until 10.30am; tea in bed with PopMaster on the radio; poached eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms on toast; writing; a dog walk; a bath with a face mask and an audiobook; cooking a slow curry with red wine and a podcast x

    1. Sounds lovely. It's interesting that now everything becomes about living in the moment.

    2. Absolutely! I actually think the outcome of all this could be positive, in that we might take stock of the amount of food wastage we produce, learn to make do with things we already have and revel in spending time with loved ones outside x

    3. I was saying this just yesterday, maybe it'll be a positive lesson when all is said and done. Fingers crossed.

  3. The media frenzy is making it so much worse, isn't it? I try to limit my news intake to the bare minimum, which at the moment basically means that Jos tells me when there is a major new development. I'm still working, but as I'm mostly on my own in the office, there isn't much risk, especially as Jos drives me to and from work, so that I don't have to brave public transport! Your day sounds ideal at any moment in time. We've had a whole weekend of comparable activities last week. If only there wasn't that niggling feeling that all is not right ... xxx

    1. I tune in once a day, that's my limit.
      It does feel strange, the roads are quiet, the town too. I have to brave a supermarket soon, I'm not looking forward to it, but mostly I would've been at home anyway. Strange times indeed.

  4. Yes! Just the right attitude.
    There are so many positive things we can get up to. I do some of these as normal. Actually, my 'distanced' time is much the same as a normal time... With the internet we're never truly alone anyway xx

    1. The problem with the internet is that it's full of scaremongering and nonsense. It IS great for keeping in touch, if used in the right way.
      I don't think I'll notice the 'distancing' much as I'm at home everyday anyway, Andy is still going to work, he doesn't come in to contact with many people, and is outside 99% of the time so the risk is minimal, and the crops don't stop growing...
      But it's a good excuse to do nice things at home, to think about how to make the most of it.

  5. I would make a big batch of cards! I love card-making and have loads of resources so I should just get on and do it!

    1. A big project is a great idea! I'm itching to get into the garden but need to visit a garden centre first. I should do it sooner rather than later. I'm so torn between staying out of shops entirely, and wanting to support local small businesses. It's a tricky one.

  6. P.S. That said, I showed my year 3's how to use and comment on my school music blog today and promised to give them new pieces on the blog if we close and they have INUNDATED me with comments tonight so I may be spending a lot of time replying to them!

    1. A nice way to spend some time though! And to keep the kids interested and engaged. But don't forget the cards, I want to see them in a blog post soon ;)

  7. Love that snuggly cat in your photo! We've got a couple doing that right now.
    What a good idea to plan a perfect day. I like the sound of that IG lady, I shall go and have a read of her posts.
    When you watch the TV and look at Facebook it seems like the world's gone insane yet when I've walked into town and pottered around it seems calm and perfectly normal, if a little quiet. There was even piles of loo roll in Wilkos and on the market, it makes you wonder how much of all this is media hype designed to scare us into submission. xxx

    1. I think Tinkerbelle has got the right idea.
      It does feel calm but also oddly out of kilter, because of the lack of people, but also due to the inability to plan ahead. I'm not someone who makes a lot plans or even sticks rigidly to the plans that I do make, but being so unsure about everything is just weird.

  8. What a lovely idea! Life isn't ideal at the moment but I am loving my extra time at home now I'm working from home, I prefer many elements of our current way of life!


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All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.