
Week Two

Friday, March 27, 2020

This week has seen lockdown introduced. At this time last week I was only just beginning to feel the effects of coronavirus on my life - appointments cancelled, trouble buying cat food, questioning if my reason for leaving the house was valid enough - and now it feels like I'm living in some kind of weird Truman Show style reality, I mean this can't really be happening, can it?

When I look out of my window every thing looks exactly the same. My husband is still going to work, I'm still working for myself, my days look very much the same but I know that beyond what I can see from my window, everything is different.

At times I feel unsettled and have moments where I feel quite upset, but for the most part it just feels very unreal.

Putting the current situation to one side, I'm going to share one happy thing that happened this week.

I know I told you about our Remembrance Tree - pictured above are the first blossoms we had in 2018 - but I don't know if I told you that in June last year, despite having a fence around it, deer stripped the bark off the lower half of the tree and chewed off four of the lower branches.

Every one I spoke to, and everything I read, told me that the tree wouldn't survive, that the bark was too damaged. But there were new shoots at the bottom of the tree, where the bark was still intact, so we just hoped that the shoots would continue to grow and we wouldn't lose our tree entirely.

I kept an eye on the shoots, and they were doing really well until they were nibbled off a few weeks ago by something that had managed to wriggle in under the chicken wire we'd added to the fence.

But yesterday I noticed buds. Lots of healthy looking buds. So maybe, just maybe, it will survive after all? The thought of this made me really happy. I'm looking forward to the buds bursting open to reveal the first blooms.

What's made you smile this week?

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  1. The tree looks like it's got the will to grow. Hopefully it's pests won't be able to get at it again.
    Amid a disorientating week there has been a few positives. The NHS clap last night, we listened out the window, heard cheering and clapping, joined in and heard fireworks too! Dog was not happy but the spirit was there.
    Also, how now everyone says 'take care', a real feeling of wishing people well.
    And the sharing spirit of people, who volunteer or donate.
    It feels like some sort of gorgeous sunny prison we're trapped in.
    Take care xx

    1. It certainly seems determined to survive, with all these beasties nibbling on it, it just keeps going.
      It was to nice to see the NHS applause on TV, living where we do I didn't hear anything, Andy was still at work and said he could hear it a little.
      A gorgeous sunny prison is a nice way to look at it :)
      Take care, stay safe

  2. Oh that is happy news. Grow buds, grow!

    1. *whispers* I keep saying that out loud to the buds

  3. Nature can be very resilient! What a lovely treat to see it blossoming, that's a good sign I guess. Let's hope it continues to do well and no more nibblers get near it.
    On another note, this post has prompted me to email you - hope you don't mind, it was a bit of an awkward one!

    1. I'm really hoping that nature will triumph!
      Thank you for your email

  4. that little tree has determination! sapplings around the land near the airport here are protected by a leather looking sheath around the lower part to keep deer off, maybe you can get them online. I feel a little emotional at times too with everything probably because of watching too much news, but I have really enjoyed digging the garden today and am starting to notice and appreciate little things more.

    1. I guess trees just want to grow! I'm so pleased it's showing signs of life. It has a fence and extra chicken wire around it so it should be well protected now. I would like to plant some more trees so the leather sheaths are worth investigating - thank you.
      With things the way they are, it's only natural to feel overwhelmed, and it's OK not to feel OK. Our gardens are going to play a huge part in getting us through this. Green therapy rarely fails.
      Take care

  5. That is such a wonderful story about your Remembrance tree, I'm so happy that it survived the deer attack and will reward you with beauty throughout these tough times.
    It felt very odd leaving the house for the first time in a week yesterday, like you, most of the time life feels very normal until you turn on the TV!
    Stay happy & healthy. xxx

    1. I will enjoy seeing the blossom emerge.
      Imagine how giddy we will feel when we can walk around freely again, and how strange to think that that is what will feel strange after this.
      Take care

  6. Oh I am SO glad about your rememberance tree! Silly deer though! How dare they!!! That's a lovely positive. I agree with the whole surrreal feeling. I just can't see how it's going to end- when we will be allowed out again. I just keep praying, praying, praying about it. When I feel scared (esp about having a tight chest which comes and goes)- I just keep on praying and hoping and trusting.

    1. As if the deer don't have plenty of other things to nibble on about here.
      It will end, that is the only certainty here really. And I think that out of it will come positive things, positive changes in all areas of life. We need to sit tight and trust that it will be OK. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling scared. Sending you positive vibes Kezzie.
      Take care

  7. What beautiful flowers! It's really amazing that it's holding up despite all the damage it's took. I also find this whole situation surreal, and it's the little joys that make things a better. Hope you're staying safe and healthy.

    1. The little joys can be found in all sorts of places - thankfully!
      Take care Lily, stay safe

  8. I do hope your beautiful tree survives, seeing those buds is promising. The kindness of people is making me smile this week. We heard so much about selfish people stripping the supermarket shelves bare at the start of this crisis, thinking only of themselves, but I'm hearing more and more about good deeds, generosity and kindness as the world seems to be pulling together.

    1. I think we'll be left with a renewed sense of community when this is all over, and that can only ever be a good thing.

  9. I often feel the same, as if this isn't really happening and I will wake up from this nightmare. Surely, it's all too horrible for words. My mind is a bit numb at the moment, what with my work being reduced to two days a week, and for some reason this made my day more bearable. It's as if a switch has been turned off in my head, and I'm looking at things from a distance. It won't last, I'm sure, but today I actually felt better than I have in weeks. What wonderful news about the Remembrance Tree! If it is budding, it will surely survive and reward you with its blooms! Take care, and stay safe Hazel xxx

    1. I'm glad to hear things are a little easier for you, it's a huge adjustment for us all. It will end, and along with all the negative bits, there will be many positives too. Hang in there, it won't last forever.
      Take care


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