a season

Summer '18

Wednesday, October 31, 2018
The summer is a dim and distant memory now but I still wanted to share how I got on with my summer to-do list. 1. Eating I wanted to eat in a restaurant every day for seven days, be it for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner. I thought that this would be a good way to celebrate my birthday but after just two...



#30Wears | Navy Jumper

Sunday, October 28, 2018
For a while I've been keeping a tally of how many times I wear recent purchases. It's not as hard as it sounds because of my capsule wardrobes, I print out a list and keep a running tally next to each item. At the end of each capsule I tot them up and add them to a master list. I'm aware that this...


a weekend

My Weekends | September

Thursday, October 25, 2018
The first weekend in September was lovely and warm. I started reading a new book called September by Rosamunde Pilcher (and birthday present from Andy), which would end up taking me the entire month to read. I did some garden pottering, pruning things here and there, tidying the container pots, and organising the greenhouse. I potted an oak tree sapling I found growing...


a capsule wardrobe

Autumn Capsule Wardrobe '18

Monday, October 22, 2018
There is no denying that Autumn is upon us. The days might still be sunny and bright but the evenings are drawing in and temperatures are dropping, but the biggest sign is that I'm wearing socks again after months of walking around barefoot. I enjoyed having a monthly capsule over the summer but I'm back to seasonal capsules now. My autumn capsule still...


a photo an hour

Photo An Hour | Sept '18

Friday, October 19, 2018
Saturday 22nd September was #PhotoAnHour. Thanks to Jane and Louisa for hosting. My plans to get stuck into some DIY were thwarted when a few days earlier I woke up with incredibly stiff shoulders and limited movement. I had to shelve the DIY idea for a while. 8am - A soothing bubble bath was the first order of business for the day. I'm...


a brain dump

How Do You Follow That?

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
My last post was a bit heavy, there's no easy way to talk about baby loss. Thank you for your kind comments, they mean so much. My blog has always been a safe place for me to write but I often wonder how to follow a post about such a hard subject. To jump into a light and meaningless subject seems, I don't...




Saturday, October 13, 2018
I haven't been about much recently. Life has been busy with one thing and another. My usual monthly and seasonal posts are now overdue, but I'll get to them in time. The past few days I've noticed a shift in my mood. It's Baby Loss Awareness Week. It's all over social media, the news, tv listings. It's important to talk about baby loss...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.