Pelcor Accessory Collections It's strange that when you start thinking about ethical brands, they start to pop up all over the place. For example, an email from Pelcor dropped into my inbox a little while ago. Pelcor use cork. Yep, cork - a material that I wouldn't have thought of as being suitable for fashion accessories. However, cork skin is waterproof, lightweight, hypoallergenic...
Hello, how are you? I can't believe that it's Friday again already!! The days are zipping by at the moment. I'm full steam ahead with setting myself up as a freelance Graphic Designer and honestly, I can't tell you what I do all day but I'm sure as eggs doing something! It does feel great to have a purpose again, to have real,...
I've often thought that it would be wonderful to have a quick reference guide to the ethical practices of high street brands. A tweet by @OxfamFashion lead me to this article, that ultimately lead me here - to The site is exactly what I'd been waiting for - a quick reference guide to high street stores using a traffic light rating system....
At the beginning of the year I decided that I needed to discover more ethical fashion brands. I shop second hand a lot of the time but I felt my knowledge of ethical fashion brands was somewhat lacking. So, when I saw Ceri (a lady that could certainly teach me a great deal about ethical fashion brands) had entered the Johari Style Challenge,...
Hello! I'll start with a huge 'thank you'' for the lovely, supportive comments on my last post. It certainly had been a very stressful time. Setting up as a Graphic Designer is going well, I have two clients and several projects on the go and all that work nonsense already seems like a long time ago. I'm joining in with Inspiration Monday over at Two...
During the first of week of January, everyone in the department I worked in received the news that we were all facing redundancy. This was not surprise for any of us. A week passed before we were each told of the final decision. The MD wanted to move me to another department. I couldn't do it. I knew it was a role I...
Tinker in a calmer moment... Dear British Gas, Thank you for sending two lovely chaps to my home to fill the cavity walls with lovely warmth-keepy-inny-stuff. They were so kind and didn't mind waiting for me to coax Tinker out of the airing cupboard (were she had fled when they arrived) before they started drilling into the wall directly outside. One chap even...