12 Piece Challenge - Looking Back...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Firstly, thank you all for the lovely comments and encouragement you gave me during this challenge.

I really enjoyed doing it and apart from a small bout of spending withdrawal near the end and a day in a dark room it was surprisingly easy to manage, although I did have to do my washing more often than usual. It has taught me that I don't need new clothes to create different outfits (did I just say that? really?).

Whilst reviewing my outfits, I realised that not one had been duplicated in 40 days. Admittedly the differences were small and came in the guise of accessories, but they were differences none-the-less. I think, with a few additions, I could happily manage with a capsule wardrobe. I had 12 pieces here which I don't think would be enough in the long term but a smaller wardrobe is absolutely workable with the right combination of pieces. So, it could be the perfect time for a wardrobe clear out (it would also mean less to move, when the day finally arrives).

The aim of my challenge was to save money and break the habit of spending impulsively whilst rediscovering the things I already own.

As a result I've decided three things;

1. To have a monthly clothes budget (this will take some careful negotiation with my inner clothes beast and my eco friendly 'must-not-be-so-wasteful' self - watch this space)

2. A purchase is only allowed if I can create at least three* different outfits with existing items from my wardrobe
(*confession - originally that read five different outfits, but in hind sight it seemed like too many)

3. I have to wait 24hrs before clicking 'add to bag' in order to stop online impulse buys

I have already noticed that my attitude to spending has altered slightly. I've seen a number of items that I would have previously lusted after and thought 'but I don't need it'. Yes really.

That said I have identified a few things that I would like to add to my wardrobe for the summer, each of which will first have to meet the three criteria above. More on those things later...

Until then, take care and have fun!

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  1. The rules you have created are brilliant I think I should do those trouble is I just love spending soo much! eek

  2. You definitely did a great job on the challenge. all your outfits were great. Glad that it helped your spending habits. I can imagine creating 5 outfits in your head is a tad difficult, so 3 is better.

  3. you are seriously inspiration lady x

  4. I think you did so well with the challenge. Like you say, every outfit is subtly different but they're all really nice and all very you. I think the capsule wardrobe definitely focuses your thoughts on exactly what you like best.

    Your three ideas are great. I've barely bought anything this month and honestly, I haven't missed it. I hope I can keep it up for June too.

  5. Oh you've changed! I do ususally think about online purchases and almost always change my mind and forget about them.

  6. @The Brunette Oh believe me, now that my challenge is over I am being tested! So far I've been good but if I'm caught out in a weak moment things may all go horribly wrong!


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All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.