Two items to add to the #30Wears Badge of Honour list. They're both good wardrobe staples that have plenty of wear left in them, despite being worn a lot. This F&F jacket has been worn 44 times since I purchased it in April last year (a month in which I purchased rather a lot). I was on a charity shop rummage with Sophie...
For this week's lockdown installment I thought I'd followed Susie's lead and do a Reading, Watching, Making style post. Reading On Saturday finished reading The Stranger Diaries by Elly Griffiths. It's really good, very engaging, and although I knew who the killer wasn't, I didn't figure out who it was. I often figure out a whodunnit a few chapters before the end, but...
My last Photo An Hour post was for March 21st before lockdown was introduced. I only went out one more time after this, to the post office, and I haven't left the farm since. 10am I’ve been up a while but only just remembered it’s photo an hour today. I’m not dressed, I haven’t had breakfast, this is only my second cup of...
Another week of lockdown, and this week I decided to make a note of some of the little things that made me smile each day. What made me smile on Saturday Garden pottering with Andy Finding bluebells growing in the hedgerow The glorious sunshine Hot cross buns What made me smile on Sunday Clearing brambles around the pond with Andy, followed by tea...
Last week Kezzie posed some post isolation questions and asked people to take part, I hadn't given any thought to what I would do when lockdown was officially over, so I really enjoyed mulling these over. 1. Restaurant you would go out to. The Bildestone Crown. This jumped into my head first, so I'm going with it. We last ate there during our...
Saturday I woke with the urge to clean again. The sun was shining and my mood was buoyed by the opportunity to get two or three loads of washing done (tragic, yes, I know). I discovered Instagram filters and a wasted a much larger chunk of time messing about with those than a woman of my age really should. By the afternoon I...
One thing that's guaranteed to make me feel better is a little colour. My last outing before lockdown was to the supermarket and I felt the need to wear something cheerful. My big 'special occasion' skirt was calling out to me and I succumbed, teaming it with an emerald green jumper. It wasn't really warm enough for 3/4 length sleeves, but I braved...
My week has, on the face of it, been very normal (apart from wandering around the garden in my wedding dress). As I work for myself, from home, my days have changed very little since the lockdown started. It wasn't unusual for me not to leave the house (except to go into the garden) for three or four days. I have missed being...
I thought I'd share a few happy little things that made me smile and chuckle over the past few days. The cat bed I purchased weeks ago is finally being used! Both my cats had been stubbornly ignoring this bed. It looks very warm and comfortable, I'd be tempted to get in if it was big enough. A month after I bought it,...