For the third year running I'm taking part in A Buyer's Archive inspired by Elise, to keep track of my spending on clothes and accessories. THIS YEAR March seems to be the month that I start thinking about my summer wardrobe. I've obviously well and truly had enough of the cold weather and long for days when I can go out without a...
Saturday March 24th was a busy day, and also #PhotoAnHour. My day started at 6am, I got up to feed the cats, and was just in time to see Andy off to work. By 7am I was showered and dressed, feeling excited about the day ahead. At 8am I was in the car ready to drive to Southwold, an hour away. Today was...
SPRING! It's here. This always feels like the actual start of the year for me. The first few months are often spent hibernating, making plans, tentatively poking my head out of the safety of my home to see if it's warm enough to venture out. With the (imminent?) arrival of blue skies and sunnier days I always feel more energised and optimistic, my...
More snow. It's spring now, sort it out. Anyway, my plan for the weekend was a simple one, to knit. I had a few knitting projects in progress, and two I wanted to start and finish before Easter arrived, so I got my sticks out, plonked myself on the sofa, and set to it. The snow wasn't deep enough to go outside and...
My plans for last weekend were postponed due to the snow. It seems odd to say that now, the snow seems like such a long time ago, almost all evidence of it has disappeared. I was meant to be meeting a friend for a catch up and charity shop rummage, but the roads were too hectic for either of us to make it....
I'm normally someone who doesn't give up, but today I decided that I had to walk away. After losing our baby in November we've had a lot to deal with, physically, emotionally, mentally. It's been exhausting at times, and the situation has been made harder by well meaning 'help' and the issues this raised. I met with the Bereavement Midwife in November, and...
I had a rather concerning thought the other day. I was drinking a mug of ordinary tea, with milk, which is how I'd taken my tea for as long as I can remember (I gave up taking sugar when I was 8 and saw ants in the sugar bowl at Brownie camp). Anyway, my thought was 'I don't really like tea anymore'. I...