
Favourite Three - July 2015

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Last month I started what could possibly be a new series on World of Joy - Favourite Three. This isn't three new things discovered over the month, rather three old things rediscovered.

This month's absolute favourite has to be a Next shirt dress. This has been sitting in a pile ready to be taken to a car boot sale for ages. Before that it was sitting in a suitcase under my bed for eons. October 2011 is the last time I remember wearing it, for my first Wearing It All challenge.

I was off to Latitude and I wanted something easy to wear, easy to layer up in the evenings and something suitable for the warm weather that had been forecast, this dress was perfect! Luckily we had amazing weather and I feel in love with this dress all over again.

Next up, I found this necklace, made back in July 2012. It's one of those items that hangs on my necklace rail, ignored time after time, in preference for one of the three necklaces I seem to wear in rotation. But having made a decision to either use the things I own or get rid (huge decluttering going on over here), I gave this another outing.

And lastly, I refound my Toms. When I first saw Toms I though 'Yuck, they look like bandages for your feet'. After a while I got to liking them, so back in 2013 I bought myself a pair and wore them practically non stop for that summer.

Last year they barely saw the light of day.

So, I dragged them out for Latitude and fell in love with them all over again. They've been on my feet almost permanently ever since.

Do you ever rediscover long forgotten items in your wardrobe?

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  1. Love your Toms! They look great in that colour and I just love the whole idea behind the brand too! X

    1. I might have to repurchase a pair for next year! Perhaps on in light blue too ;)
      I do like their 'One for One' scheme, it's nice to know that a child benefits from my shoe purchases.

  2. I didn't ever really "get" the Tom's thing. But I'm glad you're re-wearing things you haven't for a while.

    1. It took me a while to warm to them. I feel like I've got some new items having rediscovered these, it's better than shopping because I can feel very smug at not having parted with any hard cash :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment x


All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.