
1000 Faces

Monday, February 24, 2014
I popped into town last week for a meeting and found myself in the middle of a photographic exhibition. I'd arranged to meet for coffee in the Town Hall Tea Room and having arrived almost 30 minutes early, I was rather pleased to find something to occupy my time. It also meant I could tick off my 'something cultural' resolution for this month...


a wardrobe challenge

A week of woollens and scarves

Friday, February 21, 2014
Week 5 of Wearing It All Again and all the wind and rain and grey days of the week left me longing for summer. I can't wait for the days when you can go out without having to take a coat or add yet another extra layer! I sent most of the week cosied up in woollens and scarves. The blue scarf is...


a random

Painting pots and patient cats.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
I decided that for each month of 2014 I'd do something nice, just for me and just because. I find that now I work for myself (it's been a year already) time often runs away and I find myself working almost all day, everyday. Obviously I'm not going to complain about this (I love working for myself) but some down time is necessary...


a foodie

Taking the frustration out of meal planning

Sunday, February 16, 2014
For an absolute age I'd been wanting to get organised about my meal planning (not to mention just more organised in general). So when Sophie wrote about her food rage recently and I found myself nodding in agreement all the way through, and then again when I read through the comments, I decided it was time to take action. Sophie's post seemed to...


a project

Pinspiration : February Valentine DIY

Friday, February 14, 2014
It's a good thing that Andy and I don't make a big deal out of Valentine's Day because I forgot all about it when I decided that February would be a month of frugality. I normally make him a card and get him a silly little gift, just a token thing to tip a nod to the occasion but I refuse to give...


a wardrobe challenge

Wearing It All #4

Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Top left - cardigan, Laura Ashley via charity shop  |  maxi dress Monsoon via charity shop Bottom left - scarf, H&M  |  top, New Look  |  long sleeve top, Muji organic range  |  jeans, ASOS Right - Jumper, George  |   long sleeve top, Matalan  |  skirt, La Redoute So, week 4 of wearing everything in my wardrobe is done - and it's...


an outfit

Saturday Night's Alright (For Dancing)

Monday, February 10, 2014
I can always rely on my friends ability to have fun at a party. I went to a joint 40th birthday party recently and it was an excellent night. The theme was Hollywood Movies and we were invited to dress up as either our favourite leading actor or go for red carpet glamour. I went for the latter - any excuse to wear...


a questionnaire

The one where I answer 11 questions...

Friday, February 07, 2014
I was tagged earlier this week by Char with a Liebster blog tag. I like these posts, they often uncover quirks and it's those quirks that I think make us interesting and different from one and other. The Rules: Answer the 11 questions that your tagger gave you. Choose 11 other blogs to nominate. Think of 11 questions to ask the bloggers that...


a wardrobe challenge

Wearing it All Again #3 - A week of dresses (almost)

Thursday, February 06, 2014
For week 3 of Wearing it All Again I decided to focus on dresses with just a small interlude at the weekend for the most cat-tacular jumper of all time. Isn't it awesome?! Jumper, Joy The Store  |  Jeans, Gap The week was another busy one with a day working in a studio in town and a last minute meeting in London -...


a spending ban

It's February, time to be frugal again

Sunday, February 02, 2014
I'm not sure where the idea for Frugal February originated but having successfully taken part a few years ago (inspired by Big Girl's Browse) and with a wish to save money this year, I've decided to do it again. You all know the rules by now - only essential spending is allowed. Although I have to own up to having two rather fun...


a wardrobe challenge

Wearing It All Again #2

Saturday, February 01, 2014
So much for posting this every Wednesday. The week turned out to be all work and no play, it was a good week though and very productive! I started week 2 of Wearing it All Again seeking out items that I thought would be tricky to style at this time of year, I figured it was better to get them out of the...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.