This month I decided to share my new favourite place for Sophie's Show and Tell. My new office. I started to decorate in June and only moved in and started working in it a few weeks ago. There were many stops and starts, with interruptions and loss of enthusiasm. The prep work took such a long time and that's the bit I really...
Day 34 and I'm free! The past 33 days have gone by so quickly, I can hardly believe that the challenge is over. It was relatively easy to stick to, most mornings I had only one real option - the one that I hadn't worn the day before and the one that wasn't in need of washing or ironing. I have done rather...
Keeping up with my 3 for 33 challenge has been reasonably easy but wearing just three dresses is starting to get boring. I thought that it probably would but today is the 29th day, so I only have four more outfits to go. Today is Wear It Pink for Breast Cancer Campaign Awareness Month, I've seen some wonderful tweets today, people are really...
Hello! Just a quick update on my 3 for 33 challenge. These are just some of the outfits I've worn so far but I'm over half way now, just 13 days remain. I've keeping it really simple, just adding a scarf for example. Left: Scarf, H&M | Boots, ASOSRight: Scarf, H&M via carboot | Long sleeve t-shirt, Muji | Bag, Custard Designs | ...
On Saturday I met up with Sophie in Bury St Edmunds for an afternoon of charity shopping and lunch, in that order. Although once we'd eaten and restored our energy levels, we shopped some more! It was a good day for charity shopping, both Sophie and I came away with bags of stuff. Apparently I'm to blame for one of the tartan skirts...
I've been enjoying this challenge so far. I'm wearing three dresses for 33 days and it's so nice not to stand at my wardrobe in the morning and wonder what to wear. Admittedly, these early days will be the easy part, I'm just wearing each dress in it's most simplistic form and will take it from there. Cardigan, Dorothy Perkins | Dress, Camden...
This month I have been spending time out in the garden, enjoying the last of the sunshine and seeing things start to change for the coming season. We haven't done a lot to the garden in terms of planting, so all of the colour comes from wild flowers or plants that were here before we moved in. It's amazing what you can find...