3 for 33

The other two dresses

Sunday, September 29, 2013
So here they are - the other two dresses of my 3 for 33 challenge. I'm wearing each dress really simply with just a watch and a pair of TOMs. I did get some strange looks yesterday though as it wasn't that warm and people aren't used to seeing my legs, but I have to maximise the number of ways I can wear...


3 for 33

Three Years Old!

Friday, September 27, 2013
Three years ago I published my first post and this one is the 353rd. Last night I read my very first post for the first time in ages and it's clear that, from the beginning, I have been intrigued by wardrobe challenges and wear-a-thons. My favourite of all is The Little Brown Dress, where a lady called Alex Martin wore a dress she'd...


a runner

A short run is better than no run at all

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Last Friday I completed my 5th run with the 5K Runner app and I'm pleased to say that the running bits felt a teeny, tiny, eeny weeny bit easier. I've switched my route and now I'm running on smoother terrain which could have something to do with it but I'm choosing to see it as progress! I feel a little silly going out...


a random

Bloggers, cocktails and tights...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013
I mentioned the #EABloggerParty in Monday's post. I'm so glad I went along, I wasn't sure about going when the day arrived but after some tweeting during the day with others, I decided that it would be fun to get out and do something a little different. Of course the first thing to run through my mind was 'what the heck am I...


a look back

A splendid weekend from start to finish!

Monday, September 16, 2013
What a great weekend! It started Friday night with the EA Blogger Party in Bar 11, Norwich. After much consideration I wore the dress that had me umming and ahhing at the end of my Bag-athon video post. Teamed with a couple of statement necklaces, purple hosiery and metallic sandals I was good to go (full post inc. outfit coming soon). Unsure of...


a vlog

The Great British Bag-athon

Monday, September 09, 2013
I've decided to finally tackle my over stuffed wardrobe and with the Great British Bag-athon running throughout September, the timing couldn't be better. The British Heart Foundation are hoping to collect a million bags of unwanted clothes and household items and turn them into life-saving research through their high street shops. I do shop on the high street but I love nothing more...



My first run with the 5K Runner app

Thursday, September 05, 2013
I woke up today with a strange urge. An urge to run. It's a very unfamiliar feeling for me, I've been thinking about running for ages but done nothing about it. Sophie's Running Commentary posts have played a part in the spurring me on and a number of posts for Day 5 (Fit and Healthy) of Elizabeth's #BEDM challenge further whet my appetite,...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.