
#BEDM 31 And relax...

Thursday, May 30, 2013
Bwejuu beach, Zanzibar Well, I didn't do too well blogging everyday in May. I managed 15 posts on the chosen topics and 2 random ones. I did think at the start that I it was a bit of a stretch to think I'd complete the whole thing but I have enjoyed it. It's nice to write about different subjects and it's been a...



Things I would say to a 13 year old me

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Dear 13 year old Hazel, Hiya, I know how you hate to be told that you don't know it all, but sit still for a moment and listen. You're 13, when you reach my age you'll understand that you'll never stop learning, you'll never stop needing advice and you'll never stop growing... One day you will stop wearing nothing but black, you'll stop...



My Dream Job - #BEDM 21

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
I hope I don't sound smug and make you want to hurl things at me when I say this, but I'm pretty happy with what I am doing right now. Freelance graphic design had always been something I'd thought about and had tucked away neatly in the 'maybe one day' pile at the back of my mind. But being faced with redundancy at...



My Favourite Recipe - #BEDM 14

Monday, May 20, 2013
Having missed so many #BEDM posts last week, I've decided to pick and choose from the topics rather than try to catch up on them all. I rarely do food posts, in fact this is probably the first, but I'm going to share my favourite recipe. I go through phases of liking different meals but at the moment it's Smoked Haddock and Bacon...



The search for eco-friendly summer footwear...

Sunday, May 19, 2013
So, having started #BEDM a day late, I managed 12 days before faltering. Day 13 was a horrible day. My boy cat, Socks, went out at 8pm the evening before and stayed out. And then again the next night. At first I was mildly distracted by his absence but this slowly turned into traipsing around in the rain calling his name, to sobbing...



Are you a collector? #BEDM 12

Sunday, May 12, 2013
As a kid I collected lots of different things, stickers, pencil sharpeners, buttons, bits of pottery dug up in the garden - all of which are now no longer in existence but I do have one collection that has emerged as an adult. I didn't set out to do this, it just happened. I collect charity pin badges. It started when my brother...



#BEDM 11 Tell us about your 5 favourite books...

Saturday, May 11, 2013
This is a tricky one. As soon as I read the subject for today's #BEDM post my mind went blank, I couldn't think of a single book or author! I have a massive pile of books waiting patiently to be read. I don't favour a particular genre or eagerly wait for the arrival of a new novel from an author. I just go...



Dream travel destination #BEDM 10

Friday, May 10, 2013
There are many places on this earth that I would like to visit, right now a remote, exotic island with turquoise waters and room service sounds wonderful but there is one place that I am determined to visit before I depart this earth. The Giraffe Manor, Nairobi. Back in July 2012 I spent a few days in Kenya before moving on to Zanzibar...



I love twitter #BEDM 9

Thursday, May 09, 2013
Twitter is my favourite social media channel. Total cope out for a post, will try harder tomorrow. ...



#BEDM 8 My First Job

Wednesday, May 08, 2013
"A tomato pulverized, is a tomato punished" - best line on Holby City EVER! I've had some pretty awful jobs in my time but my first was probably the worst. I spent an entire summer holiday packing tomatoes. I was 13 at the time and I had to lie about my age to get the job - I told them I was born...



My pets #BEDM 7

Tuesday, May 07, 2013
2006 My cats, Socks and Tink? Where do I start? In cat years they're 37, mentally they're about 4. They're brother and sister. Socks, the boy, is the hunter, the aloof one, sits on no one's lap but mine (when, and only when, he deems it necessary). Tink, is the girl, she's petite, a bit daft, scared of her own shadow, a total...



My Bank Holiday Weekend #BEDM 6

Monday, May 06, 2013
Now that I'm self employed, bank holidays don't feel the same as they used too but I love them none-the-less. I've done a smattering of work so that I'm on top of things but mostly, I've just done as I please. And for me that's what bank holidays have always been about, I hate the thought of a mad rush to go and...



#BEDM day 5 - fit and healthy

Sunday, May 05, 2013
It didn't take long for me to mess up and miss a day of this challenge - yesterday just came and went and I forgot all about it. Today's topic is about how I stay fit and healthy? *whistles and looks about the room, shuffles about a bit* I'll say this - my running trainers are the cleanest footwear I own, I bought...



A day like any other...

Friday, May 03, 2013
Yep, I'm going to sit here, this looks like a good spot, maybe I'll have a wash... or a nap. Wake up with a cat in my face. Get up. Feed cats. Make essential first cup of tea of the day. Shower etc... Make toast. Remove cats from worktop. Start working day by writing a to-do list. Remove cats from keyboard. Mid morning...



A day late is better than not at all

Thursday, May 02, 2013
At 7:30am today I decided to sign up to Elizabeth's #BEDM challenge. Some of these posts will be (very) short, see yesterday's post, but it'll be nice to give my blog some much needed love and attention. Today the topic is 'spring' and hasn't it been a long time coming! It's so nice to finally see some sun although it could be warmer,...


a work life balance

Self employed and stuff

Wednesday, May 01, 2013
At the beginning of the year I anticipated change and a third of the way through the year, my life already feels entirely different, which is largely due to all the work nonsense. What followed was me setting up as a freelance designer. It started out being hectic, but it's pace has slowed a little now. Before I would play out a scene...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.