Something strange has happened. I mean not just a little bit odd but really strange. I'd just finished looking through the new Next catalogue, having ripped it open, dropping everything else the moment it arrived on my doorstep, and I thought to myself 'I'm not sure I really need any new clothes'. I know. Weird, right? Having looked at what I purchased last...
Hello, It's been a little while. Things have been, I'm not even sure how to describe it, let's say, weird, uncertain and frustrating. At the beginning of the week I thought I'd got it all sorted. Apparently, I 'misunderstood'. And now I just feel let down, frustrated, angry (not to mention a little stupid). The thing is I didn't misunderstand, I was mislead...
inspiration monday
Inspiration Monday : Alexa Chung and how to wear a short skirt in your late thirties
Monday, January 14, 2013 Happy Monday (I'm trying to beat my dislike of Monday mornings with a positive attitude and sunny disposition… so far, so good). It's Inspiration Monday time again from Megan and Nora at Two Birds Boutique. I adore our this week's muse, Alexa Chung. I don't have a dress like the one she is wearing here so I had to go for a shirt...
Dear Brother, How is it that you are only two years older than me and yet so much wiser? I feel that it's a little unfair that you got both the wise gene AND the tall gene (but I love you anyway). Dear Hall, Stairs and Landing, Christmas is over and now I have you in my sights, soon you will be sanded,...
blog giveaway
Is it tacky to have a giveaway of unwanted Christmas presents on your blog?
Thursday, January 10, 2013 Is it tacky to host a blog giveaway of unwanted holiday gifts? This was a poll run by IFB and it seems to be a close run thing (it was a 51% - 49% split when I voted) and, if you're wondering, I voted 'no'. It is a fact that we sometimes receive gifts that are, for whatever reason, unwanted. This is not to say...
To finish knitting this jumper was one of my resolutions for 2012 and here it is - the finished article, just in the nick of time! I completed the final stitch on December 23rd, I absolutely couldn't let it go into it's fourth year on the needles. I have to be honest, I'm not entirely in love with it but I was determined...
During my late teens and well into my time at college I wore black. A lot. Black and denim with a very occasional white t-shirt thrown in. These days I don't think I carry it off as well as I used to (if I ever did!) and so I couldn't bring myself to make like Blake and go all black, so I added...
I kept a record, month by month, of my clothing and accessory purchases for 2012 (you can see all items here). Taking part in Frugal February made me wonder how much I spent and I was interested to see what I buy and what I wear and use. I'd say it was a typical year of spending although taking part in Frugal February and Only...
Dear Christmas, You were fun but I'm glad you're over. Time for some calm and a little normalcy (and a few more weeks of consuming Christmas chocolate). Dear Resolutions of 2012, Yeah, that didn't really happen did it? I would say I'll try harder this year but let's face it, I won't. Dear Celebrity Big Brother, You're still on air? Seriously? Dear Natwest,...
Over the festive period I had no Internet at home, the connection is sketchy at best so I tend to edit my photos and publish my posts at work, during my lunch break. So, when I saw that Ceri's Ethical Outfit Competition for Fashion Bloggers, being run to celebrate the launch of Style Is, had a closing date of 31st December I knew...
Happy New Year! I hope you had a fabulous time seeing in the New Year. My boyfriend and I went to a friend's house, with a few others, for drinks and card games. We spent the first few minutes of 2013 with champagne in hand and fireworks on the TV. I didn't feel very well for most of the day so wasn't really...