Day 25 of Only Once August and I wore a dress purchased from ASOS Marketplace in July. When I put it on I had no idea what the finished outfit would be. Thanks to an unexpected change in the weather the first item I added was a pair a black footless tights. I pondered black ballet pumps and discounted them on account of...
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I have been really crap at keeping up to date with these posts! This time around (which is actually a few weeks ago now...) I used some long forgotten items. Revlon Powder Blush in Berry Rich. I chose this because it was a muted soft pink with only a teeny tiny bit of shimmer. I really like it but it doesn't last all...
Day 23 & 24 I have to say that work, and the requirement for practical clothes, has turned my challenge into something rather boring. My plan was to wear the dresses and skirts that are ordinarily only worn a few times a year. But as you can see jeans and t-shirts have been the order of the day. That said I haven't worn...
Day 16 A complete 'rarely worn' outfit today, white linen trousers, t shirt (the same t shirt in a, slightly, different colour was worn on day 11), bag from Stylist Pick (LOVE this), clogs from Next almost 2 years ago. Day 17 Today was inspired by Alex, who spent a week joining in the challenge, go see her boxer pic - I love...
My August challenge has made me think about not just the clothes I have languishing in the back of my wardrobe but all the things I have that I rarely use. Take my make up drawer for example - it's full of stuff and yet I use the same items day in, day out. So, taking a leaf out of Lauren's book I...
Only Once August - half way through the month and all is well, I've managed to stick to my spending ban. Hurrah! Day 9 This shirt has been around for a while but I haven't worn it recently. I felt the need for something easy to wear today, I knew it was going to be a long day so I wanted to be...
I have to be honest, I forgot about EBEW this month even though I'd voted and put it in my diary! A tweet prompt from Sophie (Thanks lovely) didn't even cement it into my mind... honestly my memory is dreadful! My Dad is just as bad, he has to write notes for everything. I went to his house one day and he had a...
The Two Birds have me stumped with this weeks Inspiration Monday, so instead I thought I'd show you how I've been wearing my DIY neon necklace. I'm so pleased with it! How would you wear a necklace like this? ...
Day two of Only Once August... I've only worn this top once before because it's a recent purchase, it's the skirt that's been in my wardrobe for a while. I must have purchased it within the last year but I have no recollection of when. It's probably the side split that keeps me from wearing it - who wants to have a thigh...
I'm really pleased that my Only Once August challenge didn't stop me taking part in Two Birds Inspiration Monday this week. I tried a belt with this tunic dress but it just didn't work and I wanted to forgo the footless tights but the weather just isn't good enough for bare legs. I have a dress, in a similar colour, that would be...
You may have heard me say before that I don't have much luck in charity shops. Last year, despite numerous visits to loads of shops I only found one item - a long thick woolly cardigan. But this year I've had more success, in the last month alone I found these three lovely pieces. Wearing a dip dye maxi skirt from Mind with a cat...