an outfit

The Perfect Maxi Dress For Work

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
My wardrobe challenge allowed me the time to discover what was missing from my wardrobe and one of the first things I identified was a maxi dress suitable for work. I work in a relaxed environment where I meet clients on occasion, although not very often, but there are still a few rules that apply despite the relaxed nature of my work place. Obviously...


a questionnaire

Tagged - The Versatile Blogger

Monday, May 30, 2011
I have been tagged by Caroline's Butterfly Brain with a Versatile Blogger award.  Thank you lovely! It's a really simple idea - all I have to do is tell you five random facts about me, then choose and tag five bloggers to so the same. So my five; 1. I make greetings cards for my friends and family (sorry Caroline) and each and...


a wardrobe challenge

How To Wear Coloured Jeans

Friday, May 27, 2011
I'd been hankering after a pair of brightly coloured jeans recently. Although, once upon a time they would have been a complete no-no but these trends have a way of getting in under your skin. Further inspired by outfit posts from Hi Fashion, A Little Bird Told Me and Wearing It Today, to name but a few, I set about finding the perfect...


a joy to behold


Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Being a fan of the statement necklace this really tickles my fancy... River Island £34.99 There are six designs from the River Island Design Forum but this one is my favourite and is now firmly on my birthday wish list... ...


a joy to behold

Heeled Loafers

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I had some fab comments on my shoes worn for Inspiration Monday last week. Those beauties were from New Look and sadly no longer in stock but these beauties from Dorothy Perkins are AND they are in the sale £25.00. So be quick! Carvela. Half Price. Why are you still reading? Go! Go! GO! Still here? Okay, I did save the best for...


a joy to behold

Dear Zara,

Friday, May 20, 2011
Would you please open a store near to my home town, where I will happily and frequently empty my bank account into your tills. ...


a wardrobe challenge

12 Piece Challenge - Looking Back...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Firstly, thank you all for the lovely comments and encouragement you gave me during this challenge. I really enjoyed doing it and apart from a small bout of spending withdrawal near the end and a day in a dark room it was surprisingly easy to manage, although I did have to do my washing more often than usual. It has taught me that I don't need...


an outfit

Inspiration Monday - Drew Barrymore

Monday, May 16, 2011
Today I decided to join in Inspiration Monday with the girls over at Two Birds. This week the lovely Drew Barrymore is the inspiration and here is my take on it...  I decided to give the hat a miss on account of the fact that it's ugly (sorry Drew). ...


a wardrobe challenge

12 Piece Challenge - The Final Days!

Monday, May 16, 2011
Day 37I had to go 'off challenge' for a few hours today for a meeting but was back on track before the working day was done! Day 38I had the day off work today to attend two events in London. Firstly, a Tabio bloggers event to see the new product for the Spring Summer collection. And secondly, a charity fashion event ‘Journeys From...


a wardrobe challenge

12 Piece Challenge... Nearly there...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Right, I'm back on track. Retail therapy craving is under control - for now. I have to admit that it was eased somewhat by OH treating me to a clutch bag (to appear in a post soon)... Day 34 A day out with my Mum today for her birthday. Lunch and then some shopping, my only purchases were for her - she tells me 'this is how...


a wardrobe challenge

12 Piece Challenge - Counting Down...

Friday, May 06, 2011
Not long to go now... Day 31Feeling nautical today, shame that I'll spend the day behind a desk and not on a sunny deck... how sad that one little consonant can make such a difference to your day. Day 32I have to admit that I am starting to wish this challenge was over (not that I am going to give up now with...


a pretty one

Current Obsession...

Thursday, May 05, 2011
Nars Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Red Square Perhaps this could be an end of challenge reward from me to me... only £17.50 You like? ...


a wardrobe challenge

12 Piece Challenge - Day 24 - 30

Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Jeans and a jumper teamed with a vintage style satchel from Very. Was £45 (when I bought it tsk tsk!) but now it is in the sale for £24 - it's leather and super lovely - great bargain!) Day 25 Damn and blast, just days after I change my 'final 12' the sun hides behind a murky, ominous looking sky and the chunky...



You Got Me Thinking...

Wednesday, May 04, 2011
It will never cease to amaze me how much you guys make me think. Jen over at A Little Bird Told Me... asked - Who do you blog for? To be honest this is not a question I had really pondered at length until now as I somewhat stumbled into blogging. As part of my blogging for the VBlog, I was asked to...


an interior

A few more items on my new home wish list...

Tuesday, May 03, 2011
As our moving date draws ever nearer I am in a frenzy of decorating plans, logistics and bubble wrap! And yet still I find time to peruse the internet for inspiration. Here are my new-found favourites... Accent Chair  Dressing Table Somewhere for the birds to live  and somewhere for the bees... Limited edition print Retro lamp Vintage lampshades And then there are the...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.