a wardrobe challenge

12 Piece Challenge - Days 18 - 23

Thursday, April 28, 2011
My name is Hazel and I have a confession. I have cheated on my 12 Piece Challenge. Sort of. I had two items in my final 12 (a LBD and a leather jacket) that I had not yet worn. Whilst selecting my 12 pieces it was still chilly outside, to the point where I was a little worried that a chunky cardigan and...



I've been meaning to tell you...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sometime after a my post To Tattoo or Not To... I woke up one morning and decided 'today is the day'. I went along to a local tattooist, Skinwear, recommend to me by a friend. I asked and I received. I love it. It didn't hurt - I felt nothing more than an odd scratching sensation. The tattooist, Janey, told me that it...


a wardrobe challenge

12 Piece Challenge - Day 15, 16 & 17

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The challenge continues... I'm beginning to wonder if this was such a sane idea. I am hankering after so many other items in my wardrobe, I'm not even half way though and can't wait to have free reign again! This challenge has totally curbed my spending though (which was my ultimate goal), I figure there is no point in buying anything new if...



You Are My Sunshine

Friday, April 22, 2011
The sun is shining, a sleepy bee has kept me company at my desk all morning... (I think he was attracted to my lovely Nails Inc. Limited Edition Porchester Place nail polish, and why wouldn't he be? It's gorgeous. He did tickle a little though) ...and now I discover that I have been tagged with a Sunshine Award by Caroline and her Butterfly Brain...


a wardrobe challenge

12 Piece Challenge - Day 8 - 16

Thursday, April 21, 2011
Right, a long post today, full of photos to bring you (almost) up-to-date with my 12 Piece Challenge. Day 8 New specs! I'm sure I am allowed these as a new purchase during my challenge - they are prescription... I'm not blind without them but I get headaches and then I get grumpy - and that's just not at all pretty. The ring...


a joy to behold

Apples and Pears

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
With a love of the cute and the kitsch I have been noticing a number of these fruit themed pendants popping up here and there. Very summery and there is something to suit every purse too. Galibardy - Miniature Apple Red Direct - Alex Monroe Pear which is also available in gold... Accessorize - Granny Apple I love these enamel pendants, they look...


a wardrobe challenge

12 Piece Challenge Day 5,6 and 7

Friday, April 15, 2011
Day 5 A relaxed outfit today as I was helping with the final preparations for a charity bazaar, I was given the task of pricing up the oddments for the bric-a-brac stall. It was fascinating to see the things people donated... and everyone was so generous! ... I just wish someone had told me my turn-ups were completely different lengths! Day 6 The...


a list

Ten Things I love

Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Rules: 1) State who gave you this award in your post 2) State 10 things that you love 3) Tag 10 other bloggers, listing them at the end of the post, and notify them Thanks to the lovely Sophie - Country Girl for tagging me for 10 things I love Here goes... And now for my ten bloggers 1. Firstly, Caroline and...


a wardrobe challenge

12 Piece Challenge - Days 2, 3 and 4

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
My 12 Piece Challenge is now 8 days in with 32 to go. I take full responsibility for the good weather we have been having. I can safely say that the sun has been shining because I can only wear jeans until the middle of May! The dress I have included in my 12 is too short (and my legs are too pale)...


a wardrobe challenge

New Wardrobe Challenge

Tuesday, April 05, 2011
In a moment of madness... ...I decided to give up retail therapy for lent. I hadn't been doing as well as I'd hoped - in fact I failed miserably. So, I decided that a new wardrobe challenge was needed to stop me spending and help me focus on what I already have at my disposal. I have to say that by limiting my...


an interior

Making a house and home...

Monday, April 04, 2011
Knowing that we will be moving soon I have been day dreaming about how we will evolve our house into our home. I've discovered a number of interior blogs that fuel my thirst for inspiration, I find one, which leads me to another, to another and I devour them all! O so D - Obsessive Compulsive Design I drool over this site... I...



Summer must-have?

Monday, April 04, 2011
No explanation required... source ...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.