

Monday, March 14, 2011

I've had an idea.

My light bulb moment was a result of Noel Fielding's frock on Saturday night's Let's Dance for Comic Relief. Steve Jones commented that he wouldn't be at all surprised if he saw Noel walking down the high street in his red ensemble...

So, my idea is obvious really...

Wear It Red on Red Nose Day, Friday, March 18th and make a donation to Comic Relief. 

The beauty is that it doesn't have to be any thing extravagant (unless you want it to be). It could be as simple as a t-shirt, red lippy, pants, socks, nail varnish, a tie... or go the whole hog and wear a huge ball gown to work (I would if I had one).
I've set up a Just Giving page for donations. I'd be hugely grateful if you would spread the word on twitter by tweeting the Just Giving URL www.justgiving.com/wearitred and using the hash tag #WearItRed and by adding the #WearItRed badge to your blogs and linking it to the Just Giving page. Also, if it isn't too much trouble, would you share the link on Facebook too?

Let's see how much we can raise!

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  1. What a good idea. I'm working and don't have any red uniform but will rock some red accessories. Will donate on the day. x

  2. I've earmarked my red tights (vintage and unworn for fear of laddering) for this!

  3. I'm all for it. Especially if I can wear my red shoes again!

    X x x

  4. Oh I have no luck nicking buttons. If I manage it I'll use it on tomorrow's post. I really liked Noels red look. Tho think he pulled it off better than I could.

  5. @Please may I?
    Please May i? Yes you certainly can, those shoes are too gorgeous NOT to be worn at every opportunity x

  6. Thanks Hun. Any excuse to wear them! But only for a few hours unless I've had a few drinky poos!

    I shall add you just giving link on my post also.

    Great idea Hun.

    X x x

  7. Hi Hazel, just posted about #WearItRed on my blog, check it out and let me know if I need to tweak it, I'm notorious for missing something obvious the first time! x

  8. Consider it done. I will add this to tomorrow's post! <3

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  9. I wore it red and donated for you :) Great fundraising so far!

  10. @Lauren
    Thank you, I can't wait to see how much we raise! x


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All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.