Another Photo An Hour post, albeit an incomplete one. October 22nd was the chosen day, thanks as ever to Louisa for hosting, I may not keep up to date with them but I do enjoy taking part. 6:30am small bed invader. Not sure what the day holds but it’s time to get the day underway. 7:30am another small bed invader. Bub is downstairs...
I missed a few months of Photo An Hour. In May I forgot, only remembering at lunchtime, and in June we decided to have Bub’s 1st birthday party on the chosen PAH day. There was just too much going on to take part. The 23rd was the day chosen for July. 7am. Morning cuddles. And, if I am interpreting the sounds from the...
7am Morning cuddles. 8am A slow morning so far. It feels more like a Sunday. Husband has taken Bub downstairs and is experiencing his first ‘morning after’ with a little, after going to a gig last night. His first night out since before the pandemic! I have two cups of tea because he didn’t realise I’d made one already (this is not an...
It's time to say Goodbye to an old favourite. I bought these skinny jeans in September 2018 and they've been worn 199 times. Was I tempted to wear them just one more time to bring it up to a nice round 200? Of course I was. But they’ve completely lost their elasticity. Somewhere between not being able to fit into them at around...
March 19th 2022 was Photo An Hour day. 6am Morning snuggles with the little while A makes the first cuppa of the day. Things I already love about today - A is going to be working close to home, the sun is going to be out, and I’ve already made food for this evening. Oh, and the chocolate biscuit stash was replenished yesterday....
February 19th was the day selected for Photo An Hour.6.30am and we're awake. Husband brought me a cup of tea in bed and took Bub downstairs to play. I finished my tea, put a load of washing on, tidied the kitchen, and made toast. 8am. Bub and I are having breakfast. Husband is doing an LFT, and the cats are venturing outside after...