A Year of Less

Monday, January 25, 2021

So far this year I haven't made a single non-essential purchase - yes I know we're only 25 days into the year so I'm not claiming that this is a huge achievement, I'm simply saying 'so far, so good'. I've used the time to ponder what will constitute essential spending for my Year of Less.

I wrote about my desire to buy less, to be a more mindful consumer, in my resolutions post, but I hadn't got it all figured out. Essentials are obviously food, toiletries, and gifts for others. I also decided that I could buy clothes but only if I needed them, and the item being replaced leaves my possession.

Books are to be borrowed from the library when it reopens. That's if I need to - I currently have over 50 books on my shelves waiting to be read.

I'm adding seeds, and plants and anything garden related to the list of essentials. My garden and greenhouse have always been something I enjoy but they were an absolute godsend last year during lockdown. I'm not about to deny myself the pleasure of garden pottering.

Other items that I buy are usually house related. In 2020 I purchased photo frames, supplies for DIY jobs, two towel rails, a mirror for the lounge, and I feel that these are all justified purchases as they improve and enrich our surroundings. The thing to do here is be certain that I'm not acting on a whim.

Which brings me neatly to the subject of impulse purchases. I rarely give much consideration to whether or not I should buy something, so this year I've decided to write down all the things I consider buying and wait before making a purchase. I have six things on that list already, two of which I'll probably buy.

As you can tell it's not a total spending ban, they never work for me. The point is to limit what I add to my home. I'm definitely guilty of buying stuff in charity shops because 'it's nice and only a few quid', only to return home and never look at it again. Or to buy something I think I need on a whim only to discover I didn't really need it in the first place.

Which brings me to clutter. I'm not striving for minimalism but, despite decluttering many times over the years, I still own a lot of pointless stuff that just needs to go. 

I always feel better when it's tidy, the surfaces are uncluttered and everything has a home, it feels like I have more space to breath. It's time to be ruthless...

What would be on your essential shopping list?


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  1. I don't think I buy many non essential things, other than yarn. I've got enough yarn in my stash to last me years but I can't seem to stop buying more. I only buy clothes and shoes when I really need them as I hate clothes shopping. I buy books occasionally but usually from the charity shop or cheap ones from The Works as I use the library, I don't have many unread books on my bookcase.

    1. When I was knitting a lot I couldn't stop buying wool, it's so tempting isn't it?!! Wool is just such a nice thing to buy. I'm not doing a lot of knitting at the moment and as wool shops and charity shops are shut I haven't bought any in ages. I enjoy seeing your wool purchases though.
      Clothes and books are my downfall, they're the purchases I need to keep an eye on and try to cut down. Even though I generally only buy books from charity shops, the overall spend it quite low but I have so many, and it takes me a few weeks to read a book...

  2. Essentials for me would be hair conditioner and paints/paper - I get ebooks and magazines free online from my library app, clothes don't interest me much any more unless they are vintage kaftans on EBay! I have pretty much all I need and am content :) I can't stand clutter - I'm with you on clearing surfaces.

    1. Yes! Art supplies are a must!
      I've signed up for the library app, they didn't have the particular book I wanted but I'm hoping to use it more in the future, although I don't think I'll ever completely move away from the printed page, I love books too much.
      I love everything to have a home and I used to think we needed more storage, in reality we just need less stuff :)

  3. Essentials? Hmmmmm....colourful eyeshadows, vintage block printed clothes, mascara, eyeliner, nail varnish, tribal jewellery, food, booze, secondhand books....I'll never be a minimalist!

    1. And these are the things that make you you. I don't want to be a minimalist, I like having things I adore around me but I do want to clear the clutter and stop adding to it.

  4. Like Vix, I'll never be a minimalist and although I'm trying to reduce the clutter, I'll never say no to a good old rummaging session at the charity shops. I'm trying to take a bag of donations when I go, though. And obviously, plants and seeds are essentials! Like you, my garden was my sanctuary in lockdown, and I'll be repaying its generosity with lots of new plants and things in Spring! xxx

    1. A garden is always an investment.
      I'm not minimalist either, but some clutter does irritate me, and that's the stuff I need to get rid of. I have lots of things I keep because of sentimental reasons or because I simply love it, it's all the other stuff that needs to go. I never thought of myself as a hoarder, but I suppose I am to a point. I always think 'I could sell that on ebay' and the pile mounts up with only a fraction of it ever being listed. I'm excited by the prospect of changing that!

  5. I would love to be a minimalist and feel like there's a really tidy person trapped inside me that is dying to get out and just can't. The struggle is real to get or keep things orderly. Why do we feel inclined to keep adding stuff or buying more? I don't know because then it's a bad feeling when there's too much clutter. xx

    1. I wish could could answer that question. I know I enjoy shopping and that's why I keep buying but I don't know why I can't get rid of stuff that no longer serves a purpose. I wonder if it's a hunter-gather notion that remains within us all?

  6. Hmm, what would I count as essentials? I want to say books but realistically I have plenty 😂. I will say things for the flat - I want to buy more plastic storage tubs soon for the kitchen. Definitely essential having just dealt with a plague of food moths! We also want a new - more comfortable - sofa. Our current one is apparently great TO sleep on but it's not the best for sitting. Then I will obviously need new cushions covers to go with it. But other than that I don't think there's anything I can buy this year that I can really justify as a *need*. Oh, new sheets for our bed. The ones we have are all 10+ years old, one is looking a bit worn, one has gone a funny shade of pink and one is greyish (they're supposed to be white!)

    1. I think you're far more restrained than I am when it comes to shopping. All these things sound like essentials to me.
      Sorry to hear about the food moths! We've had carpet moths in recent years, I've come to dislike all things moth!! Why can't they just stay outside where they belong?
      I think people who read regularly always have more books than they need, unless they have a sensible library habit - which I'm hoping to cultivate...


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All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.