
Adding Art

Monday, November 02, 2020

Taking part in Kezzie's Bloggers Art Gallery back in July reminded me of how much I enjoy having art at home. I loved seeing what everyone shared and hearing the stories behind each piece.

I left a comment on Louise's blog about how much I needed some picture shelves like hers and I admired some prints by Jago Illustration. A few weeks later Louise thoughtfully got in touch to let me know Jago Illustration was having a sale on Etsy.

I'm now the proud owner of a two of his prints. I was going to wait to post about them until I'd framed them and got them on the walls but, given my track record, that might take a while, so here they are unframed and unhung.

The first print is We All Shine On. It was the crescent moon that drew me to this one, and the words 'And we all shine on like the moon and the stars and the sun' along the bottom of the print.

The second is a landscape print that reminds me of the big skies I see locally and the patchwork of golden fields at harvest time.

I also purchased a pack of his Christmas cards too (sorry for mentioning Christmas so early in November).  I'm going to have to be really disciplined and send them to people, rather than keeping them for myself, which is what I'd actually like to do.

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  1. Oh, I do like those Christmas cards. I'm quite like that, I find it hard to part with cards I really like.

    1. I love the Polar Bear! I will send them out, I will!

  2. what lovely artwork, I like the blue sky/field the best but like the crescent moon too. I really should get my pictures back on the wall as since decorating they are all in the garage waiting to be re-hung - like you, I take a long time to get round to these things!

    1. I don't know why it takes me so long, it's such a simple thing to do.
      I really like the fields too, and the fact that it's a square print makes it all the better - I have a thing for squares. Odd, yes.

  3. Ah, that's really nice that the gallery was a catalyst for you adding these beauties to your collection. They are really pretty! I'm terrible at remembering to actually send Christmas cards!

    1. I really liked your idea of supporting artists during lockdown. I've found some other artists too, it's just a matter of deciding.

  4. Those prints are wonderful, I love the clouds and the colour of the sky.
    Those Xmas cards are lovely especially the polar bear! xxx

  5. Your newly acquired Jago Illustration prints are both gorgeous! I love the first one especially, and I love the addition of the Instant Karma quote! Beautiful Christmas cards as well. I'm notoriously negligent in that department and I have kind of given up the last couple of years. Perhaps this year, I will send some, seeing that I've got a bit more time :-) xxx

    1. We don't send many s I usually see everyone in person to wish them a happy christmas, but I think this year I'll make the effort (and try not to leave it until the last minute!)

  6. How fantastic that you were inspired to collect more pieces. The Bloggers Art Gallery actually showed me that we have much more art at home than I thought we did, plus I'd like to continue to acquire more too. I keep seeing *super* expensive pieces that I really rather like xx

    1. It does seem like an extravagance to splurge on art, but I think everyone should own one piece that makes them say 'it was so expensive but I don't regret it for one second'.
      Our biggest problem is that Andy and I have such different tastes, we rarely agree!


Thank you for taking the time to comment x


All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.