The last time I mentioned my Wearing It All Summer 2020 challenge was back in July. I've shared weeks 1, and 2 and 3, so a catch up is in order. If you have no interest in my daily outfits, look away now.Week 4 was the last full week of July. The challenge has given me the opportunity to weed out the items...
7am I had tea brought to me in bed. Husband was off to work. I read for a while before starting my day. 8am Every morning when I go to water the greenhouse Socks the boy cat has to do a quick taste test. 9am En route (I'd pulled over obvs). I was off to collect my Dad for a trip to the...
Hello, how are you? There isn't much to report really, so I'm just going to type what comes to mind about what's been happening recently.The greenhouse has produced some lovely potatoes, and I've harvested and eaten the peas. The cabbages have been eaten by caterpillars - my brother told me to cover them up, but did I listen? - I've given up on...