Here's my complete Buyer's Archive for the year, every item of clothing, every pair of shoes, and every accessory I purchased in 2019. There are so many purchases that I really like and enjoy wearing from this year. The burgundy boots have barely been off my feet since I bought them. The brown leather bag has been in almost constant use. Both of...
I was certain that I wouldn't buy any clothing this month, but when my trusty black jumper moved from being 'smart enough to dress up' and into the realms of 'has seen better days', I decided to buy another one. This is the kind of thing I look out for when rummaging in the charity shops but I find simple black jumpers in...
I have far fewer options in my wardrobe for this time of year than in the warmer months. Jeans and jumpers dominate my autumn / winter wardrobe. Skirts appear on occasion, but most days I'll be clad in denim and wool. Once again trying to wear every seasonal item in my wardrobe has reminded me of the many, many items I'd forgotten about....
Work has been busy! For the last few weeks it feels like I've spent far too much time at my desk. A fellow freelancer and I were working on several projects together and as he was off on holiday on the 12th we had a lot of work to get done in a short space of time. But we did it, and with...
When I started looking at ways to cut the amount of plastic packaging I generate in my home, I noticed that natural deodorants were cropping up in my Instagram feed with increasing regularity, I took it as a sign and investigated further. I was worried about the effectiveness of natural deodorants, but thought if the occasion called for it I could go back...
I purchased this jumper back in December 2017, and last week I wore it for the 32nd time. It's something I reach for when I fancy an injection of colour, normally on dismally grey days. It's earned it #30Wears Badge of Honour, despite my early prediction that it wouldn't last long enough. It pilled very early on in it's life, but then stopped,...
I share all of my charity shopped clothing purchases in my Buyer's Archive posts, but I rarely share all the other things I find. There's a wealth of loveliness to be found on the charity shop shelves. Here are a few items that came home with me recently. Stoneware Pot When we moved in and realised we didn't have a single drawer in...
I've been very restrained this month. I had a charity shop rummage at the beginning of the month with Sophie and Kezzie and usually I buy rather a lot! This time around I purchased this orange jumper for £2.50. That's it. (I say that's it. That's it on the clothes front, I did buy books, I can't go charity shopping and buy nothing...
In April this year Glamour magazine wrote that on average we wear an item of clothing just 14 times in the UK (not that they quoted the source of the findings). In France it's higher at 30 wears. 30 wears is also the number that Livia Firth, Co-founder and Creative Director of Eco-Age, puts on a purchase, saying "The biggest message is every...
Another plastic free swap I've made in recent months is toothpaste. Back in June I purchased Georganics Natural Toothpaste from Peace With The Wild. I've always been a little skeptical about natural toothpastes but the increasing desire to reduce plastic in our household was the push I needed to give it a try. It smells lovely, very minty. The flavour however leaves something...
I purchased this H&M jumper in a charity shop in April last year, knowing that it'd fit into my wardrobe with ease. A simple light grey jumper has featured in my wardrobe for as long as I can remember, in fact I currently have three jumpers that fit this description. It would've been four if I hadn't exercised some restraint on my last...
I didn't blog much in October, not for any particular reason, I was simply feeling uninspired, not just with blogging but in life in general. I'm pleased to say I'm feeling more upbeat, which might have something to do with the upcoming festivities (note how I didn't use the C word there?). It's been a really nice week, here are some highlights. On...
Following on from Part 1, here are the remaining 30 Q&As. 31. What is something you're tired of? Assumptions. Because they are usually based on the persons own feelings and experience, and have nothing to do with actual facts of the situation, meaning assumptions are usually wrong. 32. What is a city you want to visit? Rome, Venice, Barcelona, Istanbul... 33. Heels or...
I've read a few these 60 Questions posts in recent months (Bev & Kezzie). I'm going to split my answers over two posts to keep it at a manageable length. 1. What’s the best thing that happened to you this month? This month has hardly started but so far it's been that Andy was able to take an afternoon off, we had an...
I've been on another spree this month, mostly pre-loved charity shop finds that were too good to be left in the shop! THIS YEAR M&S v neck top £3.50. A classic wardrobe staple. Lace top £3.00. Something a little bit unusual for me, but I thought would be nice to dress up jeans. Christmas jumper £5.99. I've been looking for one for a...
1. Tucking in I wanted to eat in a restaurant every day for seven days, be it for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner. This is something I tried to do during the week of my birthday last year. I failed, partly due to lack of planning, and partly due to eating waaaaay too much on day one! I did better this year. I...
Another eco swap I've made in recent months is perfume. I discovered this on Instagram, and there are a number of reasons I have for for switching to this brand. One, it uses minimal packaging. Two, it doesn't contain palm oil. And three, it is made with all natural ingredients here in the UK. Eden Perfumes offer a large number of fragrances matched...
The Slow Fashion Season challenge is now over, which means, for me, Wearing It All 2019 is over too. SFS was about buying no new clothing for the three months of the summer, and my Wearing It All idea was to wear a different outfit everyday for the summer. I managed to wear all but a few of my many summer clothes. I'd...