a buyer's archive

A Buyer's Archive | June '17

Friday, June 30, 2017
Each month I'm posting my clothing and accessory purchases, inspired by Elise, to keep track of what I'm buying and spending, and to compare with that of last year. This Year I hit up ebay early in the month and purchased some yellow shorts (£3.70). I can't wear yellow around my face as it washes me out but I when I saw these...


a list

Ten Things To Do This Summer

Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Spring seemed to last for ages, so I'm so glad summer has arrived. With luck the weather will continue to be kind, it'll scorch our lawns, send us to the coast in droves, and see the sales of icecream (and sun cream) go through the roof. Here's how I'll be spending my summer... 1. Visit three different beaches in Suffolk - Felixstowe, Aldeburgh,...


a list

Day Zero Project | Update #1

Sunday, June 18, 2017
To keep on top of my Day Zero Project I thought I'd do an update post every once in a while. It'll help to keep me focused and give me the nudge I need to get things done. I'm two months in (with 940 days left) and so far I've completed five of my 101 goals, and a further thirteen are underway. I...




Thursday, June 15, 2017
 I've set myself a little goal to work on within the Fast Fashion Fast challenge  - to wear my most recent purchase 30 times or more before the end of the challenge. Inspired by Livia Firth and her #30Wears campaign which urges us to ask “Will I wear it a minimum of 30 times?” before making a clothing purchase, to challenge the idea...


a wardrobe challenge

Fast Fashion Fast

Monday, June 12, 2017
I've signed up for a summer clothing challenge - Fast Fashion Fast organised by Verena Erin from My Green Closet. It basically means no high street shopping for three months - June, July, and August. When I signed up on June 8th, I'd already purchased a new skirt from ASOS, and I'm going to ignore that fact that just a few hours later...


a list

This Week #9

Friday, June 09, 2017
Hello! Have you had a good week? It's been a tad disappointing weather wise, but it's been a productive and sociable week nonetheless. With three birthdays - Andy, his Mum, and my Dad - we've had a lot of family time that included a no-bake Malteser cheesecake, a Chinese take away, and several sirloin steaks. I planted my hanging baskets. I waited weeks...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.