I'm slowly putting together my spring capsule wardrobe, but before I finalise my selection I wanted to note down my thoughts on my first attempt at a capsule wardrobe. The rules were simple: - Pick up to 37 items to wear for winter - Store everything else away - Accessories, gym clothes, PJs, and going out clothes are unlimited Wearing nothing but the...
To me spring is all about the beginning of new things, getting outside, taking on new projects, and putting plans into action. I have the same enthusiasm when spring arrives as I do for the start of a new year, only my focus is completely different. In comparison winter is all about planning, reading, crafting, being inside, nurturing. Comfort food, cosy nights in,...
I do like winter. I like cosy nights in, being warmed by a fire, scarves, Christmas, hot soups, and mug after mug of hot chocolate, but I'm glad it's come to an end. I'm ready for spring! My winter to-do list wasn't a long one. Read three books - Done Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. I have to be honest and...
Last year it seemed to finally dawn on me that it's not enough to simply say 'I want to do X' or 'I'd really like to start doing Y'. I actually have to do something about it, I have to take steps to make it happen. Some of the things I wanted to change were so simple - exercise more, eat more fruit...
I was introduced to Lend With Care when reading a post by Jo back in September last year. I thought it was only fitting to spread with word a little on my blog too. Lend With Care offer microfinance loans to small business owners in developing countries. Being a bit of a cynical old git I did a little Googling about the charity...
Simple answer: I tried a different way of measuring myself and discovered that I was wearing completely the wrong size. If you're anything like me you learnt to measure yourself from the handy guide at the back of a Marshall Ward catalogue 25 years ago. I'd been doing it the same way for years. Until now. I'd never questioned if my bra fitted...
Joining in with Elise, I'm posting my clothing purchases each month in A Buyer's Archive, to keep track of what I'm buying and what I'm spending. I purchased a random selection of items during February. Beaded clutch | ebay | £6.49 My first pre-loved item of the year. Purchased for a ball I'm going to soon, it wasn't quite as I'd expected but...