a wishlist

Half way through year 40

Monday, February 29, 2016
For my birthday I wrote a list of things I wanted to achieve over the year. I'm now six months away from my birthday and I'm doing well in some areas but not so well in others. Create calm This was about a general feeling of unease I had about the number of things on the my to-do list. Things that had been...


a list

Weekend Wishlist

Friday, February 26, 2016
It's almost payday, which means I am a step closer to getting my hands on the things that have been tempting me this month! Navy Pinafore Dress  |  Next  |  £34.00 Love this! The top isn't attached so it's two for the price of one. I love it's simplicity and it's pockets. I think this would be really versatile for my spring capsule...


a random

Random thoughts I have whilst wasting time on Pinterest

Tuesday, February 23, 2016
At any given time the number of ideas and ponderings floating around my mind goes well into double figures. On Sunday I sat at my desk (to do some work) but instantly got lost in Pinterest. To start with my thoughts where to just look at some pretty pictures for a short while and then start work. I whizzed down my feed randomly...


a review


Friday, February 19, 2016
It's been a while since my last empties post, so I won't share everything I've used, just the things I think are worth a mention. I knew it must've been a while since my last post because the bag I keep them in has been overflowing for weeks and now it's just getting in the way. This morning I kicked a shampoo bottle...


a review

I spent Valentine's Day eating Corkers Crisps

Monday, February 15, 2016
On Saturday morning my postie knocked on the door and surprised me with a unexpected parcel. The lovely guys at Corkers Crisps had sent me a box full of their delicious crisps! They have some new flavours and a new look. As a graphic designer I love a little brand refresh, and as someone who really appreciates crisps, I love eating crisps! The...


a project

Patchwork (still) in progress

Tuesday, February 09, 2016
A year ago I'd sewn together 206 hexi flowers for my patchwork quilt. Today I have sewn 308 of the little blighters together, I've added 67 so far this year which seems pretty good going considering for the whole of 2015 I only added 35. What can I say? I go in fits and starts. Above is the beginning of 2016. I had...


a ramble

My Accidental Dry January

Wednesday, February 03, 2016
I completed Dry January. Not for charity, and not on purpose either. I got to the 19th January and realised I hadn't had an alcoholic drink since News Year's Eve, I'd been poorly and just hadn't felt like it. I had a cold, sore throat, cough... nothing tasted like it should. Tea tasted like dishwater, food like gravel, and wine like acid. So...


a buyer's archive

Buyer's Archive | January 2016

Monday, February 01, 2016
For the past year I've been enjoying having a good ole nosy at the monthly purchases of Elise with her monthly Buyer's Archive. Janet joined in too, and now I'm joining the party. I'm hoping that my purchases will be kept to a minimum this year as I'm trying out a capsule wardrobe but it'll be a good way to track what I'm...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.