If you follow me on Instagram you'll probably already be aware that I have a new obsession. Needle felting. I booked myself onto a course at Halfpenny Home at Alder Carr Farm, in Suffolk, after seeing it advertised during a trip there on my birthday. One week I'm sleeping under the stars in the Sahara Desert, the next I'm sat with six other...
For the past four years I've kept a record of all the clothes and accessories I've purchased throughout the year and set myself goals for the coming year. You can read about the results here - 2012 / 2013 / 2014. Ordinarily I'd post this in early January but I've just looked at my total for 2015 and put myself on an immediate...
Back in August I thought that it was exciting when A Photo An Hour fell on my 40th birthday, but when I saw the date for October, I was super excited. The 17th was the day I would wake up in the Sahara Desert. 07:15 After going to bed during a sand storm (yep, a bona fide skin stinging sand storm!!), we woke...
I singed up to be a Fabletics VIP back in February when I needed some new running gear for outdoor exercise in the colder months (I ran in the snow!). Now, I do not believe that you have to have sports gear to exercise. Nope, no way. As long as it's comfortable and you move in it and it keeps you cool /...
I always seem to have a number of beauty products on my wish list, and even though I have a huge stash of products to get through, I identified some gaps that needed filling (OK, I'm kinda pushing the definition of the word need here, but anyway...) I wanted a hydrating serum. My skin felt in need of a bit of a boost...
It's becoming very apparent that my love for white dresses isn't going to be waning anytime soon. I mentioned that I'd ordered a victoriana style white dress recently, and when I popped that into my basket I might've also added this lace maxi dress as well. Turns out the neckline on the victoriana dress didn't suit me, not even a little bit. But...
So this is the final day of my 40 days of blogging. I hoped you've enjoyed it? I'm chuffed that I've completed it, I'm feeling like the cats whisker's (and that's where the relevance of the image ends - any excuse for a cat pic). Will I continue posting daily? Take a break? I haven't decided yet. What I do know is that...
I've just finished knitting my coin purse and need to attached it to the frame and add a lining. I had to frog my first attempt (thanks for all of you who informed of the origin of the term, it makes perfect sense now), it was too big. I had it sewn onto the frame, the lining in, and the button embellishment attached...
My white dress obsession is set to continue into Autumn, I thought that it might wane once the nice weather began to disappear, but nope! I can still be found wasting spending time on ASOS browsing the dresses. Thanks to Janet I am now an ASOS Premier customer so I get free next day delivery, so this has become my go-to place to...
A major discarding session in my wardrobe recently led me to realise that I was in need of a navy top, something simple to pair with a few things left without partners in my wardrobe. A quick look and a few clicks on the Next website and this navy boat neck sweater (similar here) was on it's way to me. Of course it...
Andy and I have been married for six months (and a day) today, granted it's not a full year and not generally celebrated and in some ways it still feels like only yesterday, but I've been feeling super nostalgic and more than a little soppy about it. The day after our wedding my new sister-in-law arranged a family lunch for us in a...