a project

Needle Felting at Halfpenny Home

Friday, October 30, 2015
If you follow me on Instagram you'll probably already be aware that I have a new obsession. Needle felting. I booked myself onto a course at Halfpenny Home at Alder Carr Farm, in Suffolk, after seeing it advertised during a trip there on my birthday. One week I'm sleeping under the stars in the Sahara Desert, the next I'm sat with six other...


a look back

Shopping of 2015

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
For the past four years I've kept a record of all the clothes and accessories I've purchased throughout the year and set myself goals for the coming year. You can read about the results here -  2012  /  2013  /  2014. Ordinarily I'd post this in early January but I've just looked at my total for 2015 and put myself on an immediate...


a photo an hour

Photo An Hour | October '15

Friday, October 23, 2015
Back in August I thought that it was exciting when A Photo An Hour fell on my 40th birthday, but when I saw the date for October, I was super excited. The 17th was the day I would wake up in the Sahara Desert. 07:15 After going to bed during a sand storm (yep, a bona fide skin stinging sand storm!!), we woke...


a review


Wednesday, October 14, 2015
I singed up to be a Fabletics VIP back in February when I needed some new running gear for outdoor exercise in the colder months (I ran in the snow!). Now, I do not believe that you have to have sports gear to exercise. Nope, no way. As long as it's comfortable and you move in it and it keeps you cool /...


a haul

New in my beauty cabinet

Monday, October 12, 2015
I always seem to have a number of beauty products on my wish list, and even though I have a huge stash of products to get through, I identified some gaps that needed filling (OK, I'm kinda pushing the definition of the word need here, but anyway...) I wanted a hydrating serum. My skin felt in need of a bit of a boost...


an outfit

A white lace maxi dress for Autumn

Friday, October 09, 2015
It's becoming very apparent that my love for white dresses isn't going to be waning anytime soon. I mentioned that I'd ordered a victoriana style white dress recently, and when I popped that into my basket I might've also added this lace maxi dress as well. Turns out the neckline on the victoriana dress didn't suit me, not even a little bit. But...


a ramble

Day 40

Thursday, October 08, 2015
So this is the final day of my 40 days of blogging. I hoped you've enjoyed it? I'm chuffed that I've completed it, I'm feeling like the cats whisker's (and that's where the relevance of the image ends - any excuse for a cat pic). Will I continue posting daily? Take a break?  I haven't decided yet. What I do know is that...


a project

Yarn Along | Not That Kind of Girl

Wednesday, October 07, 2015
I've just finished knitting my coin purse and need to attached it to the frame and add a lining. I had to frog my first attempt (thanks for all of you who informed of the origin of the term, it makes perfect sense now), it was too big. I had it sewn onto the frame, the lining in, and the button embellishment attached...


a list

Little White Dresses

Tuesday, October 06, 2015
My white dress obsession is set to continue into Autumn, I thought that it might wane once the nice weather began to disappear, but nope! I can still be found wasting spending time on ASOS browsing the dresses. Thanks to Janet I am now an ASOS Premier customer so I get free next day delivery, so this has become my go-to place to...


an outfit

Take One Navy Sweater

Monday, October 05, 2015
A major discarding session in my wardrobe recently led me to realise that I was in need of a navy top, something simple to pair with a few things left without partners in my wardrobe. A quick look and a few clicks on the Next website and this navy boat neck sweater (similar here) was on it's way to me. Of course it...


a look back

My Day-After-The-Wedding Dress

Sunday, October 04, 2015
Andy and I have been married for six months (and a day) today, granted it's not a full year and not generally celebrated and in some ways it still feels like only yesterday, but I've been feeling super nostalgic and more than a little soppy about it. The day after our wedding my new sister-in-law arranged a family lunch for us in a...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.