We've hit winter! Which obviously means it's time for me to write another list of things I want to achieve over the next few months. 1. Read three books Nothing feels more wintery than sitting curled up in a blanket and reading, and yet this appears on all of my seasonal lists. The reason being that I love reading but I have to...
My to-do list for Autumn was a simple one, but full of nice things to do. 1. Forage for sloes and make some gin Yep! Good tip - freeze the sloes so they'll split when they thaw and you won't need to prick them all individually (something I wish I'd known last year!). And FYI the sloe gin I made last year was...
In stark comparison to a few weeks ago I've been feeling really upbeat this week. I don't know what shifted my feeling of melancholy, I'm just glad it's gone. I knitted myself a hat. And even though I'm going to frog it and start all over again (I noticed a mistake about six rows in and just can't live with it) I'm going...
If you read Kezzie's blog (and if you don't you should) you'll know that she has a rather large collection of brooches. She's been regularly posting her collection and encouraging others to post their own. Now my brooch collection is very small in comparison but I have been inspired to wear a few this week, they normally never get worn at all, so...
It's been a little while since I joined in with Ginny's Yarn Along due to the fact that my knitting sticks have been bare. Wanting to keep up with some simple knitting projects I treated myself to a Sirdar Head Start bobble hat kit. After a quick trip to my local craft shop to grab some 8mm needles I started today. It's knitting...
Today is the last day of November, which also means that it's the final day of Blogging Every Day in November. I made a good start with 13 days of blog posts and then this. I'm glad to say that I'm feeling brighter. I had a few things on my mind that have settled down or have been resolved, a frustrating work project...
BEDN isn't going well is it? And I made a good start too. Despite trying to shake a feeling of melancholy by writing a Christmas wish list (I mean who doesn't get excited at the thought of presents, Christmas, family, delicious food, and gin?), my post before that was about being kind to yourself. I'd woken up in a crappy mood, a mood...
I'm jumping ahead with #BEDN a teeny bit and using the prompt for the 29th. I can't help it, I'm feeling christmassy already, and as Andy asked me to write him a wishlist, I thought I'd share it. It seems I'm running on a theme of warm or sparkly this year. I picked out the Pandora charm as reminder of our honeymoon this...
The prompt for today's Blog Every day in November is World Kindness Day. Unsure of where to start or what to say, I took to Google. A number of meanings and explanations where offered up in response. But one small quote stood out to me today. Be kind to everyone including yourself. Because I woke up in a shitty mood with myself today...
Needham Market is where I head when I need to pick up a pint of milk or post a letter. It’s within a short distance from home and has free parking, although sometimes in short supply, and it's the kind of place where everything closes for lunch and most places aren’t open on a Monday. It has all the charm of a small...
I am a writer of lists. It says as much on my About page, so it must be true. The first thing I do most days is write a list of tasks for the day. I have to limit to five things, if I don't I write until I reach the bottom of the page and then turn it over. I have a...
I organised a clothes swap at the weekend and came home with three lovely dresses. Two I love, the other I like but I’m not sure about. The beauty of a clothes swap is that if I don’t like it, I can take it to another swap. Or sell it on ebay. Or donate it. Either way I'm not really losing anything. The...
Style - A distinctive appearance A few years ago, I spent some time pondering three words that would describe my style. I came up with classic, casual and versatile. Classic - because I like classic shapes. I stick to clean outlines and avoid fussy styles and fabrics, and anything too 'on trend'. Relaxed - because I can't stand wearing something I feel button...
It's been a busy few days. I'm tired, we had a late night. I was more than happy to spend some time doing nothing, because that's what 'self care' meant to me today. It's not often that I sit and do nothing, I'm a constant fidget. After a late breakfast of bacon and eggs (cooked by my husband), I had a long hot...
I'm not going to get a chance to write a blog post today. I'm writing this on Wednesday evening instead. Because I want to blog every day in November I've already scheduled tomorrow's and Friday's post too. On Thursday afternoon I'm driving up to Solihull so that on Friday I can have a full day at the NEC at the Stitching, Sewing and...
Twisting today's BEDN prompt, Friday Night In, a teeny bit as I'm going to talk about gin. I love gin. And this will come as no surprise to anyone. It's a well known fact. When Sophie was invited to experience a gin afternoon tea, she asked me if I'd like to go along with her. She picked me up from the station and...
I've talked about my first ever Bonfire Night on the blog before, so this time around I'm going to tell you what we do each year. It's not always on fireworks night, but on a Saturday near the date we host 'An Evening of Pyro'. It's a tradition that we took over when, after 15 years, Andy's friend's parents moved house and a...
I have a rather nifty little app on my iPhone called Pro HDR and it has allowed me to take some awesome photographs over the past few years. It takes a double exposure and can produce some beautiful results, it's especially good for landscapes and capturing skies at sunrise and sunset. But it's not suitable for people shots or anything that moves as...