I enjoy a good list so when Lucy asked who wanted to join her for 'Awesome Autumn' I was on it like ants at a picnic. My list isn't exclusively Autumnal, it's about moving forward with goals, doing things I enjoy but don't do enough, and enjoying the season too. Forage for sloes and make some gin I'm not sure it gives a...
World of Joy is four years old - 1,460 days, 452 posts and I'm enjoying blogging more than ever. There have been times when I've not posted for a while, wondered if it's all a bit silly, but then I remind myself that it's my blog, I can post (or not) if I want to and I can talk about what ever I...
Exactly one year ago today, I wrote a post called A short run is better than no run at all. How true that is. And how much I wish I'd stuck with it, I'd have a year's worth of running under my belt by now. I've been running again over the past few months, once a week, most weeks but not all. This...
Having mentioned that I'd succumbed to another beauty-through-your-letterbox subscription, I thought I'd do a quick review. This sticker on the inside of the outer packaging was an excellent start. Who can argue with Audrey Hepburn? The box As this was the first of the My Little Box boxes to be available on subscription to the UK, I was expecting great things. Each month...
Here we are on the first day of autumn. Summer seemed to disappear ages ago and did so practically overnight, only to return again with some glorious sunny days. Even so, I'm already embracing the season. With the recent purchase of a few autumn essentials, I'm good to go. As much as I love summer, the autumn brings some of my favourite things...
top right - Glo-Minerals 3-in-1 Colour Stick* Is it just me or do you tone down your make up, the more dressed up you get? I have a wedding to go to soon and although I'm still pondering what to wear, I know I'll be going for a subtle make up look to keep me from feeling too 'done'. I've had doubts about...
I recently entered a Twitter competition with Howkapow and Teapigs, I was lucky enough to win and received a set of four Janson Co mugs in gorgeous pink hues, and a selection of delicious teas. Take a sneaky peek at the Howkapow website - it's all kinds of gorgeous. The combination of the postman being really early and Andy leaving for work slightly...
Not only did August go by in a rush but I also stumbled across and watched August Rush on TV. Such a great film, guaranteed to make me cry, no matter how many times I watch it. And of course it stars the late, great Robin Williams. A wonderful man and a truly talented actor. Robin Williams 1951 - 2014 This month I...