image source I hope you all enjoy the final evening of 2012. I'm looking forward to 2013 - see you there! Love ...
I've been keeping track of the clothes I bought during 2012 as I was interested to see how much I spent on clothes, shoes and accessories throughout the year. The total will be revealed in early 2013... Images from Next / Tesco / H&M / ASOS / Stylist Pick Images from New Look / Tesco / ASOS / Very / ASOS Marketplace / Zara / Images all...
inspiration monday
Inspiration Monday(s) : Jessica Timberlake and Jenna Dewan-Tatum
Monday, December 17, 2012 I've said this before, but I'll say it again, I love Inspiration Monday for making me mix items and wear outfits that I wouldn't normally think of putting together. I'm a little rather late on posting this first inspiration. I find it so much harder to take outfit shots when it's dark in the mornings and when I return home from work. Shots taken...
Dear Fringe, Welcome back. I tried to live without you but it turned out that I just couldn't. I feel like me again. Dear Work, I'm worried. Really worried, why won't you just tell us ALL what's going on? Rumour, speculation and heresay are no substitute for facts - cold and hard as they may be. We're all adults here, we can handle...
I can hardly believe that this will be my third Christmas since starting World of Joy, the second spent in our new home and the first Christmas that I will be prepared for well in advance (only a few small things left to do). Hurrah! I've mentioned before that my boyfriend is all about Christmas and since knowing him my love for the...
This photo of Lavenham Great House Restaurant is courtesy of TripAdvisor Dear Lavenham Great House Restaurant, Thank you for the excellent service, the delicious food and for the best G&T I've had in a long, long time. Dear Secret Santa, Chocolates. Perfect, you know me so well! Dear Three Day Weekend, I am going to enjoy every single second of you. Dear Blog...