buy less choose well

Organising a Clothes Swap

Sunday, September 30, 2012
These trousers are from a clothes swap. They're from Warehouse, brand new with the tags still in. Having mentioned a clothes swap in my last post I've been asked for tips on how to organise one, I'm no expert but I'm more than happy to share my experiences. The basic idea of a swap is to ask people to bring along good quality...



731 days old...

Friday, September 28, 2012
September 27th is a good day for me but I think I told you all about that in my first birthday post... World of Joy was two yesterday (obviously I had a cupcake to celebrate). And these two adorable things turned a whole, whopping, five years old too. That makes them 37 in cat years - the same age as me! I wish...


bloggers do it better

Bloggers Do It Better - Oxblood

Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Oxblood was the theme for Bloggers Do It Better this time around, I was hugely surprised to find that I had not one item in my wardrobe in this colour. I love dark red, it suits me so much more than bright red and goes so well with black or navy. It looks fab with neutrals and also surprisingly well with neon yellow. I decided...


coloured jeans

It happens every time.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
After a few busy weeks I should have seen it coming. I slowed down, started to relax a little and then I became ill. I got a cold, swiftly followed by a bout of sinusitis. It happens every. single. time. So, three days off work, plenty of relaxing and lots of sleep and I'm feeling much better. Well, I say I relaxed but...


buy less choose well

Catching up...

Monday, September 17, 2012
Hello, it's been a while. I failed to post anything at all last week and missed Inspiration Monday and EBEW, I've been absent from Twitter and have not had a chance to read and comment on my favourite blogs. In short, life has been hectic. Sadly, this is mostly due to work, but I have been up to some fun stuff too. Today's...


august challenge

Only Once August - The Final Days

Monday, September 03, 2012
Day 30. Back to work after five days off, it's always a struggle but when it's cold and windy it's even harder to get motivated (I'm wearing boots and a scarf in August for goodness sake!). I chose this skirt as I've only worn it once before but looking at these pictures I'm not sure that I like it. I mean, I like...


august challenge

Only Once August #7

Saturday, September 01, 2012
Day 26. My marvellous maxi. I've had this dress since April and it's only the second time I've worn it, it's pre-loved from eBay and I adore it! I wore the highest wedges I own so that it didn't drag on the floor (although it still did a bit). It was perfect for having supper with OH's parents, not so perfect for sitting...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.