Having heard murmurings about Nelly.com, on Twitter and in blog posts, I was curious to see what the buzz was all about. I started by clicking on 'New In' (a good a place as any) and was first struck by the accessories. This came as no surprise to me as I go through shopping phases and I'm currently in the thick of an...
Be careful what you wish for. That's what my Mum used to tell me, but this wish could have a rather sparkly ending, if luck happens to be on my side. I read about a facebook competition run by Ernest Jones on Is This Real Life? All you have to do is 'like' their Facebook page, create a wishlist and submit it to enter....
Oh my! Oh my, oh my, oh my.... Thanks to a tweet from Katie (thank you Katie!) I was alerted to the fact that Louboutins are now available to buy online. What followed was several hours of browsing and day dreaming, just enough time to select my three favourites. The Fairytale Be still my beating heart. Fifi Strass £2,095.00 The Classic No wardrobe...
My friend's recent wedding reception had a black and white theme and, to my surprise, I had little in my wardrobe to fit the bill. I didn't want to go all black and definitely didn't want to go all in white, so I went looking for something with a bit of a pattern. Being a bit of a patternphobe I tend to stick...
For that past two weeks I have been using L'Oréal's new EverStrong shampoo, conditioner and mask. The EverStrong range is designed 'for fragile and brittle hair', which pretty much summed up my locks - I almost typed 'tresses' but that implies a head of glorious, long bouncy hair which mine definitely wasn't... I washed my hair every other day using both the shampoo and...
Do you ever come across a blog post that crystallises something that you'd been pondering? This happened when I read Alex's recent post. I had intended to enter Ceri's ethical fashion competition (I broke my camera and missed the deadline) and had been trying to define what ethical fashion means to me. Reading Alex's post made me think 'Yes! Exactly!'. From there the...