Although the title of this post contain the words 'A Plan', this is more of a brain dump, general thoughts and musings about garden related stuff... a pre-plan let's say. I'm determined to be more prepared this year. I often plant things later than I could because it takes the temperature to rise for me to even think about planting seeds. I asked...
I spent a while reading some of my old blog posts, do you ever do this? I came across a post, written in 2016 about things I thought I couldn't wear. Since then I've tried some of the combinations with varying degrees of success. I talked about how I couldn't do ankle boots and bare legs, I still can't, I feel a complete...
Part of my plan to tackle impulse purchases for my Year of Less is to write down anything I think about buying and waiting before making a purchase. So far this year I've not purchased a few things. Everything I thought about buying in January would've been an online purchase due to being in lockdown which makes shopping easier to resist. I'm still...
In the summer a friend turned to me and admitted that she thought gardening was actually rather fun, as if admitting to liking something she shouldn't. I smiled and admitted in a conspiratorial fashion that I loved it. I've always dabbled in the garden. It started when I was a child, I'd help my parents plant, weed, dig, and water. When I left...