Back in April 2019 I'd worn my skinny jeans 71 times - well over my #30Wears goal! You won't be surprised to discover that I continued to keep a tally of the number of wears these jeans rack up. They still have plenty of wear in them and currently stand at 145 wears. At £66.15 that's about 45p per wear, but you know...
Do you use Pinterest? Do you, like me, sometimes fall down a pin rabbit hole? I did this recently with words, more specifically, delightful, rarely used words that made me smile, that I identified with even though in most cases I had no idea of the correct pronunciation (I shall asked a more learned friend next time I see her). ...
One month down, 11 to go. This year I'm making my resolutions at the start of each month, hoping that this will refocus my attention and make the year a productive one. 1. Make a start on my office blind I need a blind for my office so that I can sit at my computer and not be dazzled by the sun. But...