a buyer's archive

A Buyer's Archive | April '19

Tuesday, April 30, 2019
April appears to be a spendy month for me. It's the month that makes me think of lighter, sunnier outfits. I start mentally preparing for sunshine, and then I start buying for it. And I also tend to meet up with Sophie in April and shopping ensues. I'd already purchased seven items before we met up and then bought four items in the...


a capsule wardrobe

Spring Capsule Wardrobe | May '19

Friday, April 26, 2019
In previous spring seasons I've found it hard to put a capsule together because the weather can be so unpredictable. This spring I decided to tweak it every month, hoping that I'd be adding more summery clothes each time. I have 24 items in this capsule, six fewer than in April, which is more than enough to see me through the month. Twelve...


a list

Small changes to help save the earth

Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Last year I wrote a post about the small changes I'd made to be a little more eco-friendly. Lots of small changes add up and since then I've continued to seek out more alternative ways of doing everyday things. My most recent change came after reading a post Vix wrote about mindful laundering, with a link to an article about fabric conditioner that...


a capsule wardrobe

Winter Capsule Outfits

Friday, April 19, 2019
Having just 30 items in my winter capsule was more than enough to see me through the season. In fact I had two items that didn't get worn - red shirt, khaki mini skirt. I am a creature of habit though and I tend to reach for my favourite items over and over again. You can probably guess... red floral skirt, mustard jumper,...


a list

Day Zero Project | Update #3

Tuesday, April 16, 2019
I've now got less than a year to go on my Day Zero Project, it ends on January 14th 2020. I have 25 completed, here are the ones I've completed since my last update: 005. Decorate the entrance hall After lots of sanding, the removal of a door, turning brown walls green, and lots and lots of gloss work, the hall has been...



#30Wears | Skinny Jeans

Friday, April 12, 2019
These skinny jeans, purchased in September last year, didn't taken long to earn their #30Wears Badge of Honour. It's not surprising as I stick to uniform of jeans and woollens in the colder months. I have to be honest though this post is well overdue, these jeans have been worn 71 times so far (and counting). Any pair of jeans that enter my...


a season


Monday, April 08, 2019
It seems strange to be taking about winter when it already feels like a dim and distant memory. When I think of winter I think of Christmas and freezing cold temperatures, both of which feel like they happened months ago. Anyway, here's how I got on with my winter to-do list. Sort the bedroom after redecorating Aim: Declutter I'm ready to go on...


a wedding

Reading for a wedding

Wednesday, April 03, 2019
It's our fourth wedding anniversary today and I thought I'd share the reading we chose, which was read by my sister-in-law, before we said our vows. Having that time to focus on something else allowed us to take a moment, compose ourselves, and calm our nerves. The same emotions I felt that day come rushing back every time I read it, it ignites...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.