When I went to bed on Friday night I had a half formed plan to do a car boot sale on Saturday. Inexplicably I woke at 5:30am, and decided that if I rushed I could be there for 6 o'clock. So that's exactly what I did. By 6.30am I was set up and already selling! 7.30am Wondering why I hadn't thought to put...
Indulge me again, if you will, and allow me to talk about our wedding some more. Here I'm sharing a few stills from our wedding video, they're not fabulous quality but tell the story of our ceremony. We'd briefly talked about having a videographer but didn't come to any sort of conclusion. And then, a few days before the wedding, Andy's sister asked...
Life has taken on a weird... thing - I don't even have a word for it - everything now falls into two distinct categories - Before Wedding (BW) and After Wedding (AW). BW seems like a lifetime ago, BW I was making plans for all the things I was going to get done after AW. I'm still working through this AW list. BW...
A few weeks ago I met up with Sophie and Kezzie and introduced them to the charity shops of Ipswich, shops that Kezzie later described as 'very superior' (good to know). I always seem to come home with bags of stuff when I meet Sophie for a shop-a-thon and this day was no exception. We started at one end of town and made...
Do you ever get up some mornings and feel, for no particular reason, thoroughly blue? This was my morning yesterday. I tried to shake it off with my usual cup of tea but by 10:30am I knew that my normal routine just wasn't going to be enough to shake my melancholy. I wandered about the house for a while trying to find something...
So, here they are, photographs from our wedding day. I didn't think it would be possible to narrow it down to just a handful, but I decided not to show pictures of our guests. This blog isn't known to them all so I couldn't ask permission and felt it would be unfair of me to publish their pictures without their knowledge. What I'm...