A quick post for you today to introduce my wedding photographer Katie Drouet. I'm very lucky to have so many talented friends and Katie is no exception. Naturally, she was the first person I thought of for our wedding photos and I was so chuffed to find that she was available - a happy result of getting married in early April. I think...
I haven't spoken about my running on the blog for a while due to the horribly lacklustre nature of it. But new year, renewed focus and all that! My trainers were looking very sorry for themselves and I'd planned a cheeky new purchase in the sales but, as luck would have it, I was offered a pair of Mizuno running shoes just before...
Yesterday I took part in A Photo An Hour with Louisa at Duck in a Dress, it was a rather uneventful day really. I had planned to go wedding dress shopping with my bridesmaid but I found my dress when shopping with Mum a last week (eeeeep!). It would've made for a much more interesting post, but it's just as well as I...
It's not lost on me that if I don't want my blog to become nothing but weddings, and I'm doing weekly wedding posts, I need to post more than once a week! In my defence it has been a rather busy week. It was my first week properly back at work after Christmas. I've been trying dresses again, we've been visiting venues, organising...
I've decided to limit my wedding posts to Wednesdays to save my entire blog becoming nothing but nuptials. I won't be revealing many of the finer details until after the big day, but you can be sure of some serious wedding porn in the following weeks. Today we're visiting our most preferred venue and looking at possible dates for spring / summer 2015,...
For the third year running I kept a tally of my spending on clothes, shoes and accessories. My goal for 2014 was to get my annual spend under £1,000, and I'm pleased to say that I did and by some margin too. 2012 and 2013 I bought 76 items in total, 46% of these where pre-loved items which is less than last year...
When it comes to resolutions I find that by mid February I've pretty much forgotten all about them, but I always make them none-the-less, hoping that this year will be the year they stick. Last year I tried to do different things to the normal eat better / move more type of thing. I think they were more successful but this could have...
How are you? I hope you had fun over Christmas and saw in the new year in style. I had a wonderful Christmas, I'd go so far to say that it's been the best ever. Why? Because Andy proposed and I said 'yes'. I foresee a busy year ahead! ...