Have you made your Christmas Cake yet? When I sat in the company of my Mum's boyfriend last week and said 'I really should make my Christmas cake soon', he looked thoroughly shocked. 'Haven't you made it yet?' Erm... nope. You see, although I know Christmas is coming each and every year I don't do anything remotely Christmas food related until, well, around...
In an effort to be a little healthier I have been upping my fruit and veg intake. I like most veg - except sprouts and cauliflower - and almost all fruit, although I do have an odd love/hate relationship with bananas. I set myself a goal of eating more fruit and veg back in November and one way in which I wanted to...
If you follow me on Twitter you might have seen me grumbling tweeting recently about my sore shoulder. I'm glad to say that it's feeling much better now, I don't know what I did to it exactly but it felt like a pulled muscle. I had a dull pain in my shoulder on the right side which, if I turned to my right...
One of the #BEDN topics asked about what I'd like to find under my Christmas tree this year. At this time of year I tend to struggle when deciding between things that I want and things that I actually need, but this year I think I've asked for more things I'll use over and above pretty things I want just because they are...
Having recently added some great pre-loved knitwear to my wardrobe and I think I'm just about ready to declare I have everything I need to see me through the cold months ahead. In total I spent £48 on nine charity shop items, which is an absolute bargain for a new season. I was a little unsure about this cape when I got it...
You know that I love a challenge but BEDN (Blog Everyday in November) beat me, just like BEDM (May). I think that 21 posts in a month is pretty good going for someone that doesn't ordinarily post everyday, and it's an improvement on my efforts in May, so I'm chuffed. For me BEDN didn't end with a thoughtful, well written summary, it just...